HI I am noticing that my inner arm is feeling really tight, especially when I stretch,it runs from just above other side of elbow to near my wrist,finished rads weeks ago and have been exercising,Going for hospital appointment on Weds so will ask ,but any thoughts please?
Might be cording - mine came back post rads too … kept up with the exercises and it did improve. I am actually going back to physio this week cos mine came back really bad last week so I thought a little professional assistance might be a good idea.
Hi all
I have also finished rads and my arm is def tighter but after a good stretch it seems to be a little better so I suppose it’s keep on with the exercises and soft tissue stretching/massage.
I have a query, my skin in my axilla has broken down and I’m putting on the aqua jel that they gave me at the hosp and it does dry it up a bit. Am I able to put anything else on my skin now that the rads have ended (2 weeks ago)?
Also, I have developed cording in my “good” arm from wrist to elbow! I presume it is an inflammatory reaction from all the chemo going into the veins in the hand.I also have a very sore hand from where it tissued when I was having adriamycin back in April. The onc has told me to put anti-inflammatory cream onto it but it hasn’t got any better. I don’t see him until sept so any suggestions till then?
Hi greenpea,
Glad your rads have finished. I’ve 2 blasts to go and I’ve become very sore around my node biopsy site, no broken skin yet.
Have you thought of phoning your rads unit and asking them? Mine have all ready said phone anytime. How about you bcn? They must be asked frequently.
Also ask your onc unit about your hand as these drugs are only for certain types of cancers so may affect each of us in different way. I know that the drugs irritate the veins and skin quite a bit.
I’ve also got quite tight in axilla and under the breast, so I’m exercising once a day only as this has caused me more discomfort to do it more. The trouble with me is that my nipple is very hard and sore and that is very close to where they are boosting!! Cold cream from the fridge used x2 daily with relief.
Hi Maryfrod, Lilacblushes, Greenpea and Toffee,
what wonderful names. what shall I call myself, will have to have a think
Well I finished my rad 16th june which is now nearly 6 weeks ago. I am still suffering with terrible sore skin under my breast and also have bad cording down the inside of my arm. I know when I have a new blister forming or a cut healing because this cording gets worse.
Did anyone else have a bad experience whilst going through their rad, ie. burns, blistering etc. I am still recovering from this and find it makes me quite angry because I I was not forewarned of anything like this happening to me.
Doc at hospital said to keep doing exercises and stretch more than I think I can.If it doesnt improve over next few months I may need physio.Other than that really pleased with progress and wants to see me in 3 months
Thanks for your comments
Hi Lin
I had problems under my breast and was prescribed tri- adcortyl cream,it stung but it hasdone the trick.I put a dressing over it to stop rubbing called mepilex which is soft and comfortable
Hi Toffee
Well, why didn’t I think of phoning?!!!
Did phone radiotherapy dept. They said not to put anything on broken skin apart from what they have given me but am allowed to use other creams on rest of skin. They advised to use aqueous cream or equivalent on rest of skin until totally healed and feels like the rest of skin.
To be honest, I quite like the aqueous cream so will keep to that.
I have phoned the onc unit and they wanted me to visit them but as it’s not life threatening, just a nuisance, and I’ve really had it with visiting hospitals for the time being, I’m going to leave it and see how it goes. Coward I know!!!
You poor thing, six weeks is such a long time to have blisters. Have you seen someone about this as it does seem a long time to be suffering? Have you got anything to put on them?
The cording is a bugger but it needs lots and lots of stretching starting away from the source, so starting furthest away from your axilla at the point of tightness. Also, when your blisters have healed, swimming is a good exercise especially side stroke.
I hope you don’t mind me giving my two penneth!
I hope you get better soon.
Can anyone tell me what is “cording” My “chemo” arm is ugly and lumpy feels a little tight but manageable, last chemo session 6 weeks ago, does arm improve eventually?
Your experiences/advice please.
Good wishes to all
Cording is where the lymph channels tighten up, sort of like they go into spasm… you can feel (and sometimes see) what looks like a guitar wire running down the affected area.
My nodes removed arm is my right one and I am right handed … as well as working in accounts which means using the right hand more on the number pad of the PC, all goest o aggrivate the situation …, am back to physio today just to give it a bit of extra attention.
Mushroom - 6 weeks post rads is a bit long to still have blisters. I am horrified that you were not told at the start of the damage that you might suffer … I had to sign a consent form with the oncologist before they phoned to book the rads, they full explained to me what happened and what the adverse effects would be, as well as giving me a leaflet explaining it all. I would see either the breast care nurse or your practice nurse with regards to the blisters - last thing you need is an infection.
Thanks lilacblushes - yes I have "guitar wire runing up from crook of elbow, not very attractive, but they don’t tighten up, which must feel horrible. Does it eventually improve, do you know and have you got lumpy bits? It is not on my surgical arm but the one where chemo was given.
Hope your physio helps you, and thanksfor explaining it to me.
good wishes
Hi Judy
Please fee free to call our helpline for advice regarding the concerns you have about your arm, the number to call is 0808 800 6000 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm. The helpliners include specialist breast care nurses who can offer you information, advice and support regarding symptoms and side effects of treatments.
Best wishes
Hi Maryfrod and All.
I have got similar from the elbows to my wrist and I was told it is because of chemo damage and it makes the veins woody and muscles tight. Keep stretching and moisturising it, mine is now bit better.
My friend got cording 3 weeks into her rads so, if you are worried about your arms it prob best to speak to your team.
Take care
Dawn x