I gave myself a couple of days without thinking about my cancer diagnosis. Went to a concert the first one in many years. The Eagles and Dooby Brothers were amazing. Even stayed away from home for the night. Lol. My sons are 14 and 25 so fine to survive on their own while me and my husband had a break. Obviously you never really stop thinking about it but it helps to do other things. Im still in the early stage, finding a lump early March, lumpectomy and centile lymph nodes biopsy 8 weeks later. Results clear and hasn’t spread but its triple negative to need chemotherapy and radiotherapy. So thats where i am at the moment. Waiting for first appointment with oncologists so i can start treatment. Waiting is the worst time feeling the clocks ticking, thats why this weekend away was a welcome distraction most things are out of our control so try and focus of things you can. Im sure i will have some bad days again soon but feeling good at the moment so I’ll take that. Sending love to you all xx
I done the same! In the early stages there is so much information, appointments, results and stuff to worry about that I gave myself a day off from cancer here and there which also helps your brain to rest from absorbing all the information🥰
@debi1 I’m practically on the same timeline as you! Discovered lump March, lumpectomy & nodes early May which were clear. But triple negative too. Got oncology appointment next week when I’ll find out what’s what, but going to a music festival this weekend with hubby ( booked ages ago way before any of this all happened), and fully intend to enjoy it to the full & take a break before the difficult part starts. Golly how our lives have changed in such a short time, best wishes ladies x
Hi Olli3. Wow we could be twins lol. But seriously so sorry you are going through this as well. We will have to compare notes when I get my appointment through. Ive tried to be patient especially when ive seen the average of waiting times on here. But think i will ring my cancer nurse in the morning just to see if she can tell me anything. Its been almost 4 weeks since I got my results. Good luck with your appointment next week and have a brilliant weekend. Take care, sending love
Thanks @debi1 , yes I contacted my BCN as time was going on and she suggested I ring the oncology appointments which I did, and was told my date over the phone and letter has just come through as well. Hope you get appointment soon too, this in between time is horrid isn’t it, although I’m not looking forward to next bit, just want to get on with it.
Very glad to hear you had fun at the concert!
Hi olli3 just got my appointment to see oncologists for Saturday. So we’re still on the same timeline. Have a brill weekend at the festival. Take care xx
@deb1 Glad to hear it’s come through for you, all very best wishes to you for Saturday, sending lots of love and strength x
Hi. Hope you are good. How did your festival go. I hope things are moving on for you
My appointment with oncologists was cancelled so now going next Saturday. Xx
Thanks @debi1 sorry to hear your appointment was cancelled , awful when you’re all geared up.
I so enjoyed the festival, having all this looming I was so grateful and glad to be having a break, people were complaining about the cold and I was just feeling incredibly lucky to be there! Amazing how having this diagnosis changes your perspective .
So now I have a plan, 6 rounds of chemo 3 weeks apart, 3 of EC + 3 docetaxel. Was told starting in about a month (is this delay a sign of the pressures on cancer services I heard about I wonder?) Have been given a voucher for a wig but oncologist wasn’t very forthcoming with other practical information, such as cold capping I guess I’ll be able to get more from the nurses when I go for my pre-assesment.
Good luck to you for Saturday x
Brilliant glad you had a good time and that you have a plan. I do know what you mean about appreciating things more. Even the simple things xx. I agree the wait now is probably longer than it should be. But out of our hands i suppose. I do think you’ll find more about cold capping at your chemotherapy appointment. Fingers crossed
take care lovely
ill keep you posted how my appointment goes xxx