A couple of weeks a go I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal BC, grade 2, 3cm, ER+ (sill waiting on the HER2 after lab forgot to complete all my tests). The surgeon has provisionally booked in surgery for 3 weeks time on the basis HER2 comes back negative so will have Wide Local Excision and Sentinel Node Biopsy, followed by Radiotherapy and Hormone therapy.
All with me so far…:smileyhappy:
So given all that, and that each case is different, I’m trying to work out roughly how long I think I may be off work. My job allows me to work from home at times and I’m not getting pressure from my boss (his mother passed away from cancer so is very supportive to do what I need to do) but I need to do a little planning for me as well as for my family, especially since the school holidays are coming up.
For any one who may have had a similar type diagnosis, what were your experiences regarding how long you took off work? Did you work through you treatment? Did you work between treatments? Did you just say “F it” and take the whole period of time off to focus on just recovering as quickly as possible? Did you try to work during the process and find it to difficult?
As is proposed for you, I had a WLE & rads, followed by tamoxifen.
Well, I took the ‘f*it & take what I need’ approach, as I had not had any time off in years & had the paid sick leave to cover it. Obviously, others need to or have to work, so I now realise how fortunate I was to have this choice.
In all, I took about 3 months sick leave, but did return to work for a month between surgery & rads, as I did felt fit & well at that stage.
In hindsight, I could have returned a bit sooner after surgery & if I had to, could have accommodated rads & work, but my pathway was straightforward with no complications or surprises.
As ever, be as flexible as you can be & take what you need. As I was able to take the time, when I went back to work I was fully recovered & able to get straight back into it.
Hi Mamabear, I had the same diagnosis, but I’m afraid I don’t work. I can share my experiences though, if that will help? I had LN biopsies done at the same time as the ultra sound. Two of three nodes showed signs of the same cancer, so I had a complete excision. If your SN isn’t clear there is a chance you will need to go back in for an excision. The WLE was easy peasy , but I had a drain in for 5 days, so lugged that around in a shopping bag. Also, took a few days for the anaesthetic to wear off, but I am 70. The LN excision was more painful, and I had to exercise several times a day . It took a month for the wounds to heal, and to see the consultant . Then I was passed on to the oncology department for the next treatment stage. I can’t emphasise enough that everyone is so different, and there are emotional as well as physical blow back from everything. No one can predict outcomes. For instance, will the surgeon get clear margins? Will the SLN be clear? Will the wounds heal well? I would say plan for the best, but be flexible . It’s all very doable, but I can understand you needing some sort of time line. I was lucky in that I could say f*** it, and just concentrate 100% on recovery. All the best for your future plans. X
My husband is keen for me to take the time off and stay away from work. I think he’s worried I’ll try to do too much and delay my recovery while I’m worried I’ll go stir crazy waiting to get back to “normal” life.
Hi mama-bear!
I had exactly the same diagnosis even the same size lump! I work in a school and stopped working 2 days before my WLE and SNB on March 30 th! Had things gone to plan I would have gone back to work after radiotherapy which I would have guessed about now! My treatment plan changed as I had to have another op so now it looks like it will be after Christmas now because of chemo! I think although your body heals sometimes it takes longer emotionally to get back into work! Look after no 1.
Take care
Sandra x
Hi Sandra, so based on the original plan, it would have been 2.5 months-ish. I was hoping to be back once the kids restart school but if my op isn’t till the 7th july maybe I should aim more for the end of September.
It’s normally about 6 weeks from op till radiotherapy providing your healed! You will then have a planning session followed by usually 3 weeks radiotherapy! Although I haven’t got to that part yet it can be very tiring! I would think it would be more like the October half term! Make sure you are fully recovered it will have been a major roller coaster ride.
My story is very different, but I am taking the F*** it approach. I had mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and SNB 3 weeks ago. I had to go back yesterday for axillary dissection. My original plan was to take about 6 weeks off (was told that lymph nodes lookd clear on scan), so just proves that despite what they/you may plan for, it can change at the drop of a hat. I have yet to have full results to find out treatment plan, but as I don’t know how I am going to feel from one day to the next, I think its only fair to myself, and my employer, is to stay off work until fully recovered…however long it takes xx
Hi u2girlie.
I’m kinda in the same space with, let’s just get this dealt with and then worry about work but it’s hard because right now, I feel fine. I appreciate that will change when treatment starts but I feel such a fraud at the moment even thinking of needing 4-6 weeks off.
Grrrrr…stupid cancer!
Hi. Have exactly the same as you except that originally tumour was 11mm. WLE + SL on May 4. Do not underestimate the under arm thing - that caused most pain. The first week wasn’t too bad, very tired so if I saw a friend had to have a sleep for a couple of hours! Became very alergic to dressings. By ten days I did start driving. However by the second weekend felt very ropey and more pain kicked in. Saw surgeon for two week check up. Cancer out but it was 34mm big and micromet on first node but hurray. All very happy. Was very tired that weekend so booked third week off work as teach and we were due to fly on hols for half term and wanted to be able to do this. Her2 results negative. More hurray.
On the Tues of third week was phoned and told mr C was being sent to California for oncotype test. Lots of anxiety re chemo but got head round it
did do some work on computer, sending emails, sorting stuff out - all doable.
went on hols. Felt brilliant. Came back rested.
went to work. Was back on painkillers (hadn’t taken for some time) within four hours. Although shortened day slightly, just the processing and heaviness of our fire doors…small children bumping… Took Tuesday off because of appt and told one margin isn’t clear. Just had second op for that yesterday so another two week off work plus a few days. Heaven knows about oncotype results and poss chemo. Was a bit of a wreck last weekend with tiredness from work, worry and boob pain. Took off the two days before the op to let boob subside.
essentially, it could all change. Expect the unexpected and be prepared for a rollercoaster ride even though our cancers are ‘easier’, itmeans there are more variables. The underlying sense of fatigue is not to be ignored. I know when I’ve overdone it as my arm goes numb and pain starts. I am still in limbo because I still don’t know if I am having chemo and if she’s got a clear margin. So planning is impossible which is awful for me and my work. You will find it is pathology/histology that govern outcomes.
I think if you can work from home, then do that for a couple of hours ia day in week three because the endless diet of daytime tv gets a bit much and you can’t tackle the garden. Do not underestimate the emotional impact either and allow yourself time to do stuff like drive a short way to a nice place for coffee and wander round. Go for walks but don’t overdo it.
Wow flyingarcher, sounds like you’ve had quite a time of it.
My husband keeps reminding me I have to look after myself. I have three children between 12 and 14 and one of then is autistic and Adhd so requires quite a lot of support. I’ve not even told him what’s actually going on as he wont understand.On top of that I haven’t been ill (not even a cold) in a decade so my children are struggling to deal with what’s happening (but mum doesnt get sick!!!) and that is only likely to get worse through treatment so I think I probably just need to make sure I’m not just focusing on when I feel “itchy” and want to go back to work as I guess to do to much to early could prolong my recovery and affect my family more.
Hi Mamabear, my diagnosis was almost the same as yours. I worked up to the day before my lumpectomy. I had 2 weeks off work as advised by my surgeon but did then have to have a re-excision due to unclear margins so had another 2 weeks off. I would then have been ok to go back but I work in a school and I would have gone back 2 days before the easter hols, so they told me not to worry and just come back afterwards if I was up to it (which I was). Radiotherapy started about 6 weeks later and I planned all my appointments for mid afternoon so that I could work for most of my day but also get home before my boys were home from school to minimise the impact on them. This worked really well for me but everyone is different and should listen to their bodies when deciding how much they can do. Good luck with all your treatment! Michelle xx
Hi Michelle, so if it wasn’t for the second lot of surgery, you’d have been back at work after only a couple of weeks? That’s encouraging. Was the 6 weeks from the end of the second lot of two weeks or from the surgery date?
I suppose everyone is different but I always remember my BCN saying “be sure you are ready to return because when you are back you are back”. I now look back and think I went back too early but ok now.
I was told at my recall (scan and biopsy) on 15th Dec that it was cancer. I know they shouldn’t say anything until biopsy results really but I did ask so she told me the truth! So… that day I went to bits really and couldn’t face work. I’m a midwife and I just didn’t feel ‘safe’ looking after women when my head was a shed! I then got the official diagnosis on 10th Jan (delayed due to xmas) and had the same as you so was booked in for WLE. Thankfully I had an MRI which unfortunately showed other tiny lumps so had to have a mastectomy. Mastectomy was on 1st Feb. I didn’t need any other treatment following this as my lymph nodes were clear (no chemo) and due to having a mastectomy didn’t need radiotherapy. I went back to work on 3rd April which was 8 weeks post op. I do feel that I would have benefitted from another month off really. So all in all 15th Dec to 3rd April (first bit being more psychological and latter bit recovery). As you are having a WLE with radiotherapy I can’t really comment on how you will feel. Hope that helps x
I think this is all depending on the type of job you have too!! I’ve been off since May now and not looking at getting back till after Xmas I feel like a fraud too in some ways, but I’m just 4 weeks post surgery (WLE) plus 5 nodes as one had cancer starting chemo I 3 weeks 6 rounds every 3 weeks then radiotherapy for 3 weeks daily, I work as an activity facilitator in a Dementia care home v stressful, sometimes no break due to nature of the environment and people working with, lots of bugs! A great job but very demanding.
It is killing me being off I love my job, miss my old people and colleagues, but I need to look after myself, the downside is SSP is all I am receiving!
You owe it to yourself and family to make sure you take care of yourself in what can be a difficult journey, we are all different in terms of treatment ops and general fitness, so do what is best for you xxxx
Afternoon all, thanks for the comments. I guess I’ll just have to speak to my boss and be as flexible as possible. I can’t imagine being ready to return to work two weeks post surgery but may not need the full 4-6 weeks recommended by my BCN.
Guess I’ll just have to play it by ear once treatment starts.