Time to step up for partner :(

Hi all,
New to this forum, just got back from hospital today and got the news that my partner has BC. Loads and loads of reading to do to be prepared, need to make sure I am there for her 24/7.
Not really sure what emotions I have yet. Sadness, confusion, releif I know the situation and ready for a fight?? Maybe a bit of all of them.
Looking forward to talking to you all some more and reading other’s stories.


Hi Scott,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you and your partner will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.

While you are waiting for replies I have put for you below links to some of BCC’s publications you both might find helpful. Also our helpline team are just a free phone call away, nothing is a silly question, they’re here to support you. 0808 800 6000 lines open 9-5 Mon - Fri and 10-2 Sat



Hope these help. Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Thank you. Pleased to have found this website.

Hi Scott

You will be glad you have found this site there is lots of info and always a listening ear. Anything you want to know or are unsure of just ask away the is always somebody that will have an answer for you.

The treatment for breast cancer is very successful these days and although it is a bit of a rollercoaster ride there will be light at the end of the tunnel and you will both get through it. It seems to be that this bloody disease will either make or break relationships and it sounds as if the 2 of you will come out of this journey far stronger.

Hope all goes well for your partner and sending love and hugs


(I have had BC twice and still here to tell the tale )

Hi Scott,

What a wonderful partner you are!

My hubby is the same. He researches everything and we have discussions about the ins and outs of the treatment. He comes with me to every appointment and clinic, and is being super-careful about infections, germs, nasty bugs now I am on chemo. I have no idea what I would do without him, physically and emotionally.

Well done Scott, keep it up!

Hi Scott
Great to see you here to support your partner, sad to hear someone else has been diagnosed with BC. i don’t know where I would be without my supportive hubby as per Lola’s comments, he’s there when I need him, has been to all the medical appointments but also has stepped away for headstrong & first wig sessions to allow my sisters to feel involved but this has also given him time to work which he has managed to fit around everything so far.
Good luck with all the treatment and keep reading this and the Macmillan sites…but don’t google stuff! :slight_smile:

I too like Linda have a wonderful supportive hubby who has been with me every step of the way. We have laughed and cried together and know we have a tough journey but are doing it together. We did a lot of research before I started my chemo so knew what to expect and were prepared, the ladies on this site have a wealth of information and support. My hubby made a playlist of our favourite songs before I went into hospital and we have poignant ones which are getting us through. Just be there for your wife and keep things as normal as possible of course the occasional bar of chocolate and bunch of flowers do help but it’s the practical things too. You sound like a lovely person and the two of will get through this, and come out stronger in the end.
Big hugs to you both xxxx

Thank you all.

Really good to have a place to come and aske questions, and to know I will get real, honest answers. I like the “don’t google stuff” advice. I bet that would make things a million times worse with all the incorrect information.

We are both pretty young, she is 38 and I am 34, but we are very close, and will definitly come out the other side stronger :slight_smile:

welcome scott,
just to say hi and good luck to you both,
angie xx

Welcome Scott.
What a fabulous partner you are!
Good luck to you both.

Hi Scott

Like everyone here, I have a supporting partner. I’m 42 and he is 33 and this has brought us closer than ever. He is there for me every step of the way - He is my ROCK.

Hang in there xx

Thank you to everyone.
I now know I made the right decision joining this forum :slight_smile:

Welcome Scott. So nice you are already on here and looking for ways to help. Sounds like you will be a great support to your partner and thats worth its weight in gold. Would have been lost without my partner. Were only about 4 weeks ahead of you in terms of daignosis so if you want a man in the same situation to talk to dont hesitate to contact me.

Wow what a great partner you are Scott. Good luck on your journey. I found my lump on Thursday and my partner has been so silent it hurts me to see him like it.all he says is, you will be fine I know it’s not cancer but I believe he’s in denial. And of it is then he will be hit for six!! Hope you and your partner are coping well…take care Emma