20 years ago I had breast cancer, and a mastectomy.
August last year, I found a lump in the armpit, same side. Hospital unsure whether it was a secondary, or a new one. Had Xrays, MRI scan, surgery, 6 sessions of chemo, 15 sessions of radio, and am now on arimidex for 5 years, and Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year, ie ending March 2012.
About 5 weeks ago I noticed a lump in my neck, GP was unsure, but wrote to oncologist, and I now have an appointment for an ultrasound and aspiration, due 20/9. This concerned me. I mentioned it to the nurses a couple of days ago when I was in for Herceptin, and the most knowledgable one was also concerned, felt it, and said it was a likely spot for a recurrance.
My question is: how can this happen when I have only just (April) finished the nasty teatment, and am still having Herceptin? I will be seeing the omcologist for a (routine) update in 3 weeks time.
I think there are a lot of ‘ifs & maybes’ in the questions you ask and my answers will be just my thoughts. Like you I was diagnosed a long time ago - in 1990 so much the same time as you and a lot less was know about bc back then as I am sure you will appreciate. I don’t suppose they know if this ‘episode’ is totally new, or a continuation of your dx 20 yrs ago. Her2+ and herceptin were unheard of. I was unfortunate in that I had an awful lot of recurrences and new tumours etc. over the years because they are pretty certain my was her2+++ all the time as it was so aggressive.
It is good that they did all the scans when you found the lump in your armpit, and am presuming they found nothing else of concern re the possibility of 2ndaries then.
It is possible that the chemo you had was not the best one for you. Often when we have chemo before surgeries it is possible to know if the chemo has worked or not because the tumour will be seen to shrink. When chemo is given after surgery that is not so clear.
It must be a year or so since they did your scans and in your place, I would want those scans done again - mri, ct, bone scan, to be absolutely nothing further has developed.
It is possible that without the herceptin things might have got a bit worse so it is going to be a bit of wait & see for you. I am sure though that your oncs etc. will keep a very close watch on you. If you want to ask any more questions - ask away. Almost forgot to say - I do now have 2ndaries - mine spread extensively to my bones back in 2002 and it all started with a lot of lumps in my neck.
Sending hugs at what must be quite a tough time for you right now.