Tiny spot above masectomy scar

I was diagnosed with IDC in August and had a masectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy and then in September I had axillary clearance as there were micromets in the sentinel lymph node. I now have a tiny spot about half an inch above the masectomy scar which has been there for at least five weeks. Do you think I should get this checked out or am I just worrying for no good reason. I do not want to be seen by the doctors as someone who is always worrying unnecessarily and wasting their time but i would also like some reassurance that this is nothing to worry about because it is playing on my mind a lot.I would really appreciate some advice thank you.

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.

While you are waiting for replies, could I suggest you give our  helpline team a ring who are just a free phone call away, 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2, they’re here to support you through this.

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Hi Hollyberry,


Asking for advice or information, or getting something checked out, is never a waste of time if it put your mind at rest. I’m sure your team will be used to all kinds of worries their patients have, and anyone worth their salt will gladly reassure you in such circumstances rather than have you worrying in silence. Ring your breast care nurse and ask her, she might give you an appointment or she might be able to reassure you over the phone. That’s her job, use her knowledge and skills.


Good luck

poemsgalore xx

Hi hollyberry,


This is something that does need checking out. It can look so innocent I was almost fooled but I happened to be having an appointment with my bc surgeon and I hardly need to tell him about them. I had maybe six and I thought they were flea bites - I had 2 long haired persian cats at the time. He was very suspicious and was proved right after doing a biopsy. Mine was a spread from surgery I had  6mths earlier and it had got into the skin and was spreading that way.


Of course I am not saying that is what is happening with your one spot but you must get it checked to be sure. I do hope yours is innocent. It is a rotten time to be worrying about things and I am afraid I may not have made it any better. Sorry.




Thank you for your replies I have an appointment on Friday to go and get it checked out. Fingers crossed it won’t be anything suspicious but I need to put my mind at rest.