Tips on Taxol??

Hi ladies

Have just found out today that xeloda didnt work for me - this is the first chemo that I havent had decent results with (it was my 4th)
So next week onto Taxol, Ive had Taxotere which worked well for me and my onc thinks taxol will be a good option, I’ll be having weekly cycles and am booked in for the cold cap again so other than hair loss (at least i wont have to wax!) have you got any tips??

Thanks all

take care

Sue xx


I had 12 weekly taxol following 3 FEC as part of my first cycle of chemo. I found ti easier to tolerate and didn’t feel too sick or ropey. By the end I was pretty exhuasted and also found that my finger and toe nails suffered. I also had a skin reaction which felt a bit like burns from my hands up to my elbows so get some lovely, kind cream like aqueous. I was also given some hydrocortizone adn took piriton for the allergic reaction.

The usual swimming pool nose symptoms - had weakened vessels in nose so quite a few nose bleeds.

I really hope you feel ok on it and it also works for you - I found it alright

lots of luck


Hi I know this is a while ago but was wondering if you had hair loss on the weekly taxol and when?
Many thanks ( had 3/12 today- hair still intact but only day 15 ) xx

I’ve only lost nose hair and lady garden
I’ve had 3 FEC and 7 weekly taxol. Good luck