I’ve tried anything to take my mind off having my first annual tests (mammogram and what else?) in a few weeks but I seem to be consumed with worry. I’m active and largely positive and don’t feel ill but can’t seem to think I’m OK. Anyone feel the same for their first mammogram after treatment?
i wont get my first mamogramm done until about Aug, i can understand how worried you are. any tips would be lovely
Cant really offer you any tips im afraid, but just wanted to say that Im sure most of us feel the same - I was always ok until Id get the date for the mammogram through the post and then Id start to worry. Going to clinic for the results is / was just awful and I really dont think the professionals have any concept of the stress it causes.
Anyway, good luck for your results! And try not too worry, lol!
K x
Hi, I’m in the same boat,have been pretty upbeat but am decidedly wobbly about the first annual check and mammo.It hasn’t helped that was all set for it this Wednesday and got letter Saturday puting it off till the 24th ! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH ! I just want to get it out of the way and get on with the next year of my life . Think it is only natural to think of what ifs…even if everything appears to be hunky dory,just like life was pre diagnosis. I’m just trying to keep busy and tell myself not to worry until I actually have something to worry about,easier said than done. Good luck with yours and just wanted you to know that you are not alone in how you are feeling.
Sandra x
I had my mammo/ultrasound on friday, 2 yrs from dx.
I was fine until i got there, and then had a complete breakdown of hysterical crying. Feel like i just want to get on with life and the holidays i have booked this year, and am so scared that i could be facing mx, chemo, and the whole thing again. Life depends on this result which should be this week.
I hope i wont feel like this every year at routine mammo.