hi all-diagnosed on thurs with dcis-lumpectomy on july 5th (due to a hol the dr said to take )then 3 weeks of radiotherapy-i have no symptoms-this came about from my mammagram-but i have been very tired for a while-not got any get up and go-not exercising much-could it be the condition or just the fact that i am 56 and praps to slow down ?? i am always on the go usually-got loads of family commitments etc and work full time-am trying to be positive but i am very shocked-know i am very lucky that this has been found so early-any ideas anyone please-
Hi ethlydsyl
Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.
I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.
I’ve given here the link to our Resource Pack for those people newly diagnosed. The pack is essential for anyone with a primary diagnosis of breast cancer. Filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available.
breastcancercare.org.uk/heal … tionId/82/
Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
thanx very much sam
Hi ethlydsy
I was “picked up” following my first ever national screening mammo.
After first lumpectomy they confirmed like you I had DCIS & this was followed in March with 3 weeks radiotherapy.
Despite fact I knew I was lucky as no invasive; needed surgery (twice for me) & radiotherapy and felt quite positive it was difficult to accept as nothing physical. I recovered quite quickly & was back a work full-time a week after first op & 2 weeks following second.
No lump or symptoms just an abnormal patch of calcifications showing on the mammo. Even now when I’m in the monitoring stage I still find it difficult some days & then on occasion feel guilty as I didn’t have to face Chemo etc, which is crazy. I was very lucky as DCIS found when it was & feel it was strangled at birth before it could progress into anything more serious.
Anyway I had great treatment from all staff I met & was really well looked after.Very neat scar which is becoming more faded each day. No on-going side effects from the radiotherapy & do feel quite energised. I didn’t feel tired prior to being diagnosed but I regularly swim. No idea if this made a difference.
I no longer take my health for granted as prior to this hadn’t been to GP for over 16 years. I also got picked for Type 2 diabetes (inherited from father) I had no idea I had this either!
Apart from my usual swim I have also joined a ladies exercise club which I have to say has given me a renewed energy. I feel in control of my life again, & dropped an inch from waist/tummmy in 4 weeks.
Have a wonderful holiday; I went away for a week before my first op & it was the best thing to do.
Take care
Lots of hugs
When i was diagnosed the only symptom i had was being tired. I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat and because i had 7 horses 7 dogs and several other business that i was running just thought i was doing to much.
hello ladies … i to had the same diagnosis this time last year, i to had a feeling something was not quite rite, couldent put my finger on what was wrong, just felt a bit out of sorts, and a bit more tired than usual, i went for my first routine mammogram , i had one previousley because of a lump ( cyst ) i had no signs that there was anything lurking no lump puckering etc. went for the mammogram ( nearly did not go because of work commitments ) 11 days later a letter arrived asking me to go back for further tests,i was hysterical went 1 week later and was shown my previous mammo, calcifications… never herd of it … it can be normal i was told , had scan another mammo and core biopsy, back following week for results, total shock and devistation , i had dcis . but required further tests to see if i had invasive cancer as well, so more core biopsys this was thursday lunch time the following monday was a bank holiday and my consultant wanted to see me on the tuesday , i was gutted, the results of the 2nd lot of biopsys showed invasive cancer, grade 1 stage 2 , thank god i went for the mammo, i had surgery 2 lots as they had unclear margins… and 17 radiotherapy sessions… in a matter of 2 weeks i had gone from feeling a little odd to having dcis to having invasive cancer, but ladies it gets better once your treatment is planned and you accept what has to be done, i have been to a lot of dark places in the past year, but i am lucky, my cancer was caught very early and i am now feeling so much better, i have my first mammo post cancer next week and the horrid feeling of dread has once again returned i dont think i will feel any better untill i have the mammo results but everyone needs to try to stay possitive… and dont look anything up on google some people put horrible things on there… wishing you all good health and happiness angie xx
Hi everyone
I am 55 and I too was diagnosed following a routine mammogram that I very nearly didn’t go to (running late as usual!). Mammo on 30/7/10, diagnosed 6/8. No lump, no nothing - talk about a total and complete shock!! Lumpectomy 23/8 but due to a botched up wire insertion prior to WLE (they tried it 3 times - made a right mess inside, aparently), I ended up having Mx on 20/9 and immediate strattice reconstruction + boob job on the other one to make it match, so no Rads and as it was hormone neg, I had no Tamoxifen either.
I am STILL tired. I’ve been back at work since Feb and find I am having to do it differently to how I worked before. I still need to work financially and apart from that, I love my job so I am having to use the remains of last year’s holiday entitlement and banked flexi time to take a day a week off. I think we all get tired when this happens to us. For me, I look upon the tiredness as an opportunity to take a step back and review what I am doing and change it. I am getting more sleep now than I ever used to and I find I like it. I also do not stress over anything any more as I find stress is a great way to suck all the life out of myself.
Be kind to yourself and when you can, if you are tired, REST. You will feel a lot better for it.
HTH, Stella xx
thank you so much everyone i am trying to be so strong for all my family but felt very wobbly yesterday-your posts have really helped me-(everyone saying "you’ll be fine " doesn’t really inspire confidence as they all said that before the diagnosis !! )i am called stella too -feel more positive today-thanx again x
Hi, I was diagnosed this time last year (large area DCIS & multiple small invasive IDC) & remember feeling very tired & run down with wee infections & thrush for a few months before, which all made sense once I was diagnosed. I have been feeling tired all year following my mastectomy, but after a clear MRI / mammogram two weeks ago I suddenly feel so much lighter & energised which must be because some worry has been removed, for now anyway. ( I feel very lucky to have had clear results & won’t take it for granted).
Having breast cancer has made me slow down. Try not to feel pressured by what you usually do or what others are able to do but just go with each day. Enjoy your holiday if you can, it’s just good to be away from things for a while & good luck with your treatment, Rosie
Hi Stella, My case is very similar to you.
I was told I has DCIS in March after the calcified deposits showed on a mammogram. I had surgery on March 28th, the surgery was successful. Sore for a while after as surgeon took a lot of lymph nodes but the pain killers worked well. Went back to work after 2 weeks and was able to go to France for a holiday 3 weeks after the op.
I had the radiotherapy 6 weeks later and I have just finished 15 sessions over 3 weeks. I feel fine, had no problems with rad. Stayed out of work and did very little when I was going for treatment. Took the time to do things for myself.
It is very daunting and frightening in the beginning when you hear about what’s ahead of you, but that’s only natural. A holiday is a great idea.
I felt exactly like you did but I can honestly say it has all worked out. it’s ok to be wobbly and do let people know so they can help you.
Best of luck with your surgery. And good luck with the treatment.
hi folks-had my wle on tuesday-all went well-just finding out all i can now for my results nmext weds-just downloaded a fab factsheet-understanding your path results-have got all my questions written down-my sister is coming with me as my husband wud be worse than me-i am a very smiley and yes thank-you i’m ok sort of person-am feeling positive yet at the same time-what if ???hope you are all well and thanx for all your comments and support-stella x
Hi - I found my lump which was 45mm by leaning against a door jamb! It was Grade 3 and fortunately hadn’t spread.
I had been feeling exhausted all the time, even when having loads of sleep and was concerned about how terrible I was for no apparent reason, was going to be going to the doctors about it!
So when I found the lump I feared the worst, although even the doctors said it was probably a fibroademona rather than cancer, I knew something wasn’t right before I even found the lump.
Also, when you first get diagnosed its such an emotional shock that I’m sure its like going through grief, so you’re bound to feel more tired than normal.
Take care of yourself and listen to your body, rest when you can and when your body tells you off!
I was diagnosed at the end of April, going for MX on 19th July. I too have felt really really tired and thought it was just that I"m doing a lot - got married, went on holiday, back to work and now moving house - all since diagnosis. Was wondering if it was psychosomatic as usually I have lots of energy, but how pleasing to read that it’s not just me. But no one mentioned to me at the hospital that I might feel more tired than usual and not to worry - it’s normal. So once again, I’m very pleased to have logged on here. This forum has been invaluable to me since diagnosis, hearing what so many other women are going through really helps. Hope that doesn’t make me a bad person!
I also have felt so tired the last few months prior to diagnosis and put it down to age. I had not motiviation to go to the gym or anything, just sat on the settee after work. Again picked up on my routine mammogram the first ever for my 5oth!! Thank God for routine screening eh. Still tired now from surgery completely wiped me out but kinda glad I can sleep when I want at the moment longest I sat still in years without being on holiday or something Im rarely sick!! Just keep going. Work being OK but know loads of e mails waiting for me on my return so enjoying this wek as I intend to go back in next week for a few hours a day before the next batch of surgery!!
I felt tired before my diagnosis in Nov 2010 and to be honest have felt tired on and off ever since.I usually work full time so this doesnt help I find I really have to pace myself and still need to go to bed quite early.Before bc I was very busy but have definitely had to slow down.