Tired like never before

I had lumpectomies , plus 2 further operations and an infection between June and September . I’m back at work and waiting for radiotherapy . I’ve started letrozole about 3 weeks ago .
The problem is I’m exhausted . Never felt tiredness like it . Have tried going back to work and had to reduce my hours temporarily. There’s not enough sleep to be had and it doesn’t refresh me . Anyone else feel the same ?

Hi, I think terrible fatigue is a side effect of cancer surgeries, hormone blockers and radiotherapy. I suffer odd days of awful fatigue after both surgeries & radiotherapy, I didn’t take Tamoxifen though. The fatigue has lessoned as time has passed, I’m 5 months post surgery & 3 months post radiotherapy.

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You have been through a lot - no wonder you’re exhausted and the definition of tiredness which isn’t relieved at all by sleep is fatigue which I experienced myself after radiotherapy . For about 8 days I could barely even get out of bed and if I tried to do much I would start to feel as though I was going to be sick. I hope that they have been supportive of you at work as cancer and cancer treatment comes under the Disabilities Act which entitles you to reasonable adjustments. There’s a perception that everyone just bounces back once treatment is finished ( and actually yours isn’t ) maybe some people do but a lot of us don’t . I know that financially you feel you need to stay at work but try to be kind to yourself and where you are able to do so have a rest in the afternoon or something - I did this occasionally and listened to Headspace which I found to be calming. Xx

Also maybe talk it through with your BCN - I’m sure that recovering the infection will be partly to blame but possibly Letrozole may be aggravating it . I’m wondering what time of day you take your meds - a few years ago I was put on Ramipril for high blood pressure and I took it in the morning then felt as though I was trying to walk through soup with a head full of cotton wool til about 4pm . My GP advised me to take it at night instead and I’ve been fine on it ever since and despite a very stressful few years I sleep pretty well so if you are taking medication in the morning it might be worth trying to have it at night but talk it through with your BCN or GP before making the change . Xx

I totally understand!! During radiotherapy I would awaken from naps ( long ones like 4hours!) and feel jet lagged - not know what day it was. Fatigue from radiation was dissimilar to post surgery or even chemo fatigue. It was like I was drugged. Fortunately that eventually resolved in a few months.

The present fatigue is from the estrogen bockers. I have not tolerated anastrozole, Letrozole, or Tamoxifen fatigue and swelling have been my side effects. Currently on Raloxifene. It’s more manageable but I need to schedule naps if I have to go out at night. Otherwise I’m down for the count by 5pm! I have asked my work to give me more frequent but shorter shifts. That has helped a lot.
Wishing you the best in health!