Hi, i have just had my breast cancer op 6 days ago and i am now awaiting results . I am still very tired and cant walk around for very long without feeling shattered . Is this normal.
Yes it’s normal, it totally knocks it out of you, I was like that for weeks, just shattered at the slightest thing. It is major surgery and takes your body ages to adjust again and to heal. Just eat as well as you can and rest when your body makes you is the best advice xxx
Morning lisha you will probably feel tired for a few weeks…I know I did. It’s still early days for you so take it easy and don’t try to do anything that your body doesn’t want you to do. I have just returned to work 7 weeks after my op. and am being phased in as I don’t think I could cope with full time just yet. It will get easier just look after yourself and if you’re tired throughout the day have a nod if you can. Take care x
Thanks to both of you . Its hard to know if things are normal or not and its great to talk to someone in the same situation xx
Hi. I’m 5 weeks post op and feel great. The first two weeks were spent in my jimjams as I was really tired. I would get u,p shower and go back to bed for a couple of hours. I would get up mid morning do nothing have lunch and back to bed again. After dinner I was back to bed for the night. I slept for hours.
Week 3 I was a lot less tired but I still had a nap in the afternoon. Week 4 I could feel my energy levels getting better and I started going for walks which made me feel good and a lot less tired. I still go to bed early but I don’t feel like going to bed in the afternoons anymore but I sometimesl have a power nap on the couch. Eat well, sleep well and let your body tell you what to do for a month or so.
Thanks for that. I think i probably expect too much. i am a very active person and i have been getting up on with everybody else and being picked up to go somewhere quiet for a coffee or just a ride out somewhere .I have been used to working full time and coming home and doing everything for the family and not sitting down until about 9 o clock and for me being taken out for a coffee seemed to be doing nothing. I now realise that i have to slow down a bit. I am not really a person to stay in a lot. I an used to a lot of company as i work with the public.I am now having to learn how to relax and actually let somebody do something for me.I am dreading when i have to have chemo(not sure when yet as my appointment to get stage ect is on wed 15th)and i am so pleased i found this website .I think being able to talk to people who are in the same situation and sharing our fears and tips will be of great help . thanks lisha x
I was still in hospital 6 days after my underarm clearance. I started chemo 3 weeks later then had rads. Up to this point I was fine, but then I went on Taxotere and was bed bound for about 4 months with extreme exhaustion. However, it was worth it - I’m still NED 4 1/2 years on.