Tiredness and Herceptin

I am on my 15 dose of Herceptin which I have 3 weekly. Does anyone else feel very very tired and maybe a little irritable whilst on this drug.
I am so tired I just come home from work and go to bed, have had my bloods taken and my cancer marker still only 7. Which is great apparently
Would be grateful if anyone else suffers the same.
Thank you Sue

Hello Sue

I’ve only had 2 Herceptin treatments so far and while I do feel tired much of the time I think it’s because I’m still getting over chemo and rads. However I did read a comment very recently on Marjorie’s blog ww.twinkletwinkles.com/
about tiredness on Herceptin.

What are the cancer markers you mention ? I don’t know what they are.
Best wishes

Hi Sue,

I have been on herceptin now for a long time - almost 4 years and I do notice a pattern. Usually during the first week I get an overwhelming sense of tiredness that hits me - and literally have to fall asleep right then. Usually 10-20 mins is all I need. The rest of the cycle seems o.k. My blood counts are always good and have tumour marker of around 12-15.
