tissue expanders

Hi, I had a skin sparing mx with immediate reconstruction on 16/5/2012. Unfortunately a week later the implant was removed because of a rip roaring infection in the drain site. After weeks of industrial strength antibiotics, I had a tissue expander inserted on 8/8/2012. I’ve now got 400mls of fluid in ( same as original implant) and due another 100mls this week.
I’ve found this last week that I’ve ached constantly in my shoulder blade and back, and the expander seems to be expanding sidewards, as well as being rock hard and at the top of where my boob should be. My consultant (since gone to pastures new - my loss , but lucky ladies having treatment in Manchester) told me he wasn’t going to worry about the shape at this stage, and all would be well in the end. The constant ache, however, is draining, and it can be uncomforable to breathe in deeply, or to get comfortable in bed.
Am I just unlucky or have other people had similar experiences?

Hi Barbaranne

It might be worth a quick call to your medical team if you are concerned about the constant ache. Alternatively, do give our Helpline a call in the morning, they’re open 9-5 on Weekdays and 10-2 on Saturday. 0808 800 6000.

Kind regards.

Louise, Facilitator