To encourage others

In January this year i was diagnosed with extensive spinal mets. I had such bad muscle spasm I could hardly stand up, and spent almost two months lying down. I have had one big dose of radiotherapy and am currently on Letrozole and monthly Zoledronic acid infusions. I am also taking twice daily pain killers of Tapentadol and Naproxen. I have just returned from a fantastic two week holiday in Canada. Saw Niagara Falls, went on the boat underneath them and i feel better than i have in ages. I can walk about 5 kms with little difficulty as long as rest a bit and at times i hardly feel I have cancer at all! So for anyone struggling, right now, take heart!

What brilliant news.  Glad you had a great holiday.  this should really encourage people that have just had a bone met diagnosis.


Thanks for posting this - I hope things continue going so well for you.


Sounds as though you had a fanatastic time. :smileyvery-happy: