To Linbob

Glad to hear you are near the end too linda, i have my last chemo 20th july and it can’t come soon enough, like you looking back time has gone quick, but i know i would never do this again. Thank god for the people on here as they have helped me so much as you have too. I also am hoping to go back to work in sept after having a well earned holiday in northumberland. A normal boring life is what i crave so much, and my god do we deserve it!!! Hope we can stay in touch, look after yourself and just think by the 21st of july chemo will be in history and we will have a future to look forward to again

hi there was so glad to hear from you I went on live chat last night but I felt a bit left out as it seemed to be a lot of people on there Ive never heard of so just went off line.As you said it will soon all be over with I cant wait till the 17th July I have been really well during this cmf so I feel very lucky indeed. I have been thinking about you hopeing you were ok. I hope you get this post as I am still struggling to get used to it. My hair is coming in now I still have to wear the wig but hope in another month I can get rid of it as it is so hot.I will get my week in Birmingham yet I just dont want to go there with my hair the way it is. Did you notice how many new names are on here now its quite shocking how many people are getting this terrible illness. How is things with OH mine just thinks I am super woman at the moment he thinks because I am feeling so well thats its all over with (selfish pig) even my little grandaughter said the other day grandad thinks you are a slave and then I thought yes she is right. I may have to start lying down again to see if it makes any difference. I will keep in touch with you I will send you my email address when I have worked out how to do it. You Take Care Love Linda xxxxx

Hy Linbob, glad to hear you’re getting there. My hair is also growing back, really quick on this cmf all be it grey. At least as soon as i get the chance i can treat myself to the hairdressers again and get it coloured. Isn’t it funny how something never used to think twice about like going to the hairdressers feels a really exciting prospect again,can’t wait to go for my first hair cut.Oh has been fantastic apart from continuing pressure to perform the physical side of marriage, so far managed to avoid it but it does get you down when he constantly goes on about his needs. As someone said to him isn’t it better to have me alive for a future together even if it means going without for 6 months. He did reluctantly agree. Wish sometimes they could just have on edose of chemo to understand how low it makes you feel. Anyway keep in touch please, i will definitely be on the live chat thurs as first part of final chemo this fri and i’m actually looking forward to it as i’ll be halfway to the end, love christina xxx

Hi Christina Hope you are ok I am well apart from quite a lot of aches and pains on my legs but other than that feel great cant wait to go next Wednesday I see the doctor at 9-50 then my last chemo at 11 am Then my daughter and the 2 kids and my OH are taking me out for lunch to celebrate. I dont know if I mentioned to you before but my daughter lost her husband last November with lung cancer he was very young thats the reason me and OH moved back to Scotland from Birmingham to give her support as she didnt deal with it very well the girls Holly will be 5 this year she starts school and Amy has just turned 12 she is going to the High school this year they are great kids. My son still lives in Birmingham he has 5 children he is head of security of some stores in the midlands (edited by Moderator to remove personal details) he is coming for a week in August so I cant wait to see him. I will be going to Birmingham as soon as my hair is alright its getting there maybe another month and I will be like you booking my appointment at the hairdressers cant wait anyway I will speak to you tomorrrow night. You Take Care LOVE lINDA XXXX