To say thank you

I don’t know if this is the right place to put this so mods please move/delete if necessary. I have my one year meeting with my surgeon in January and I want to thank the staff at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Bangor Hospital. I designed these mugs with a percentage of the sales profit to go to Breast Cancer Research. I was thinking of filling them with cellophane bags of homemade pink and white coconut ice and fudge. Do you think they areacceptable or would they be upsetting seeing as it’s a naked fairy with breasts? Any thoughts gratefully received.



I love them. I’m not sure how you’d sell them right now. My hospital always had fund-raising stalls in the main concourse but the pandemic has put paid to anything like that. You might liaise with the breast cancer charity your hospital works with and any local b-c organisations (we have a local Facebook group and things are made and sold through that).

I’ll tell you what I’d really like to see. Each of those fairies with one boob and a scar. My heart lifted when I saw the burlesque dancers on the Cancer Dancing on Ice thingy (can’t remember the title) last week - they each showed their mastectomy scars to the celebrities (and obviously the camera and public). We need to see much more of monoboobs. Why should we feel awkward about what’s saved our life?

Back to your mugs. I think they’d make the staff have a good giggle and use them with pride. It’s lovely to be able to thank individuals - my hospital is so large that I’ve never seen the same person consecutively! I envy you. Best of luck xx