21.2.13 the day i never thought would come…i was dx on 21.2.08 age 34 with children aged 4 and 1. i am still awaiting my 5yr mammo, so not completely celebrating yet - but i am still here, 5 years on, and so grateful.
good luck to everyone with their treatment x

Sending you a big hug. Congrats on the 5 years. Hope you go out and celebrate with family and friends with one heck of a party

lolly that is wonderful news .you must be so relieved to get this milestone date over with.i look forward to doing the same in 4 and a half years!!have fun with your family.Denise

Lolly - just fantastic news…just what we need to hear.
Big hugs and bring it on!
Mandy x

It’s lovely to hear news like this , thanks for posting , I’m on round 2 of FecT so just beginning the rollercoaster, don’t believe it when people say it ends when chemo ends , I foresee a longer journey & it’s great to hear good news like this I’m so pleased for you x

Really really pleased for you! Thanks for posting, it gives ladies such a boost to hear it can be done. Xxxxx

That is wonderful news, Thanks for sharing …Go party girl…xxxxxxxx

Feel so excited for you, havent been here much but you,v give me a good feeling this morning! well done hun really pleased for you
thanks for posting gives us all hope, just had 4th chemo, i9m on fec, little steps…big hugs to you xxxxxxxx

hi Karen
read your message today to the lolly, what great news was excited for her too when i read it, there is hope for us all.
Iv just my fourth chemo last friday, im on fec, but i keep reading ladys saying their on FecT , Im a little confused is it same or different to what im on.
how you coping hun? im pretty new to these chat rooms, only came on couple weeks ago when i was really low didnt know where else to turn, and just posting a message on here and geting replys lifted my hopes i was shocked at some of the responce i got and for the first time since i was diagnosed last august didnt feel so alone.
cant believe iv had 4 my next one is 8th march and my last should be 29th march, i never thought id be this far, and its gone soooo quick, got 5 weeks radio to look forward to after, how about you?
sending big hugs you Karen, stay strong xxx

What inspirational news…brought a smile to my face this morning (24hrs post Re Ex op)
take care and I look forward to your 10 year post in another 5 years time xxx

To Sunshine Lilly

Difference Fec and Fec T, the T refers to chemotherapy drug Docetaxel. I had 3 Fec and 3 Tax. Keep your spirits up, only 2 to go. Take your time getting your energy back. I finished my treatment last Feb and although didn’t feel too bad during treatment, it took a few months to get full energy back.

Well done Lolly.

Fab news xxx

Wonderful news! lovely to read posts like yours, look forward to reading your 10 year anniversary post xxx Take Care xxx

I remember you from those days, marvellous news.
Kinden xx

Fantastic news. So good to open up forum to this kind of story. Well done and best wishes. I am just over two years from start of ‘this part of my life’. GingerLaces x

Fantastic news so lovely to hear.
Pam x x x

Sor ry to many presses of the key oops

Fantastic news so lovely to hear.
Pam x x x

Excellent news! Thanks for posting :slight_smile:
Enjoy your celebrations.
Wendy x

thanks everyone for your replies. i have now had a clear 5 year mammo!!! good luck to everyone with their treatment x