Today's the day for appointment

Well the day is finally here I’m so scared now just want to get it overt with my sister is coming with me xx

Good luck xx

Good luck Sweetpea


Jaye x

Good luck Sweetpea. Glad you have your sister with you

Thinking of you sweetpea - I hope it goes well.


Hello everyone just got back from the hospital doctor gave me a thorough inspection he said I have got my left breast is more lumpy and I have got to have a ultra sound next Wednesday I asked him if he thought it was the Cancer and he said no. But then why the ulta sound ? Xx

Glad the doctor said he’s not worried. He would have said if he thought it was cancer.


however you do still need to find out what is wrong with you. You need to put your mind at rest. 


Take care



Hi keeks thank you I’m still a bit concerned though I don’t understand why he’s sending me for the ultra sound but he has discharged me from the clininc xx