Today's the day

Waiting to be picked up n taken to the hospital for my ultrasound n tests. I am absolutely terrified :frowning: I really don’t no what to expect and have convinced myself it’s going to be bad news. Im shaking like a nervous wreck. Gotta be done though x

I m waiting for biopsy results leaving in 10 minutes.don t be worried most people are discharged from hospital after scan

Hope all goes well for you hun x



how did it go today ?


lou X

Hi Lou,
I’ve got the all clear :slight_smile: had an exam and ultrasound and turned out to be fibro-something, basically it’s due to hormones and really commen in women ages 18-35. Is it yourself who’s got tw appointment tomorrow? If so don’t be nervous, I was terrified but the nurses and doctors are really sensitive and make you feel at ease. And if all u need is scans you will get your results straight away xx

so pleased for you :slight_smile: thats briiliant  news.


yes i have my appointment tomoz, i am really nervous but i am your age as well so hopfully it will be the same for me…


did they talk it through with you as they did it ?


the fibro thing  will it go away, will you need any further follow up ?


lou X

Yea they talked me through everything Lou, they are really understanding that your really scared at that point. If you don’t need a biopsie you will get your results the same day.
No no follow up unless it gets painful or grows in size. They said it should go away on its own though :slight_smile: let me know how it goes for you tomorrow hun x

thanks :slight_smile: ill let you know how it goes tomoz, im really nervous but what you have said is making me feel a little more at ease :slight_smile:


lou  X

I’m sure your going to be fine bbe :slight_smile: xx