Told I have BC before biopsy results

I am new to this forum. I found a lump whilst on holiday 3 weeks ago. I wasn’t really worried & just reminded myself to get it checked out when I got home. I went along to breast clinic on Thursday to get checked out…but naively thought it would just be a cyst.
I was completely shocked after initial examination to be told they suspected it wasn’t a cyst. Following mamaogram, ultra sound & biopsy, I was told they are fairly certain it’s cancer and not to expect the biopsy results to say otherwise. They said that if the results came back saying I was clear they would not accept these results & would do a further biopsy.
I get my results next week but I dare not allow myself to believe now that it’s nothing. Feel really confused, the consultant was so sure without the biopsy results & went on to talk about procedure to remove lump and possible treatments I may need. I get my results on my daughter 16 birthday. I have already told my family (but not my daughter yet) but now wonder if I should have kept it to myself until after the biopsy results.



Hello and welcome to the forum.


This is an anxious time when waiting for your results, I would put out of your mind about whether you should have told your family or not, you cant change that so dont beat yourself up about it xxx


I know when I had my recall I had a biopsy and it came back inconclusive, my consultant asked that I have another different type of biopsy because she did not want to send me away for another 3 years without being absolutely sure that it was not cancer and the results did not give her the ability to do that.  I was so glad that she did ask because the other biopsy picked up the cancer, it was very small, slow growing and early grade.  So in telling you that if it does come back clear and them wanting to do another one, they are being totally proactive in making sure whether it is or is not cancer.


Come on here whenever you need to there will always be the wonderful ladies on this forum who will be able to help and support you.


Sending you a hug



Helena xxx


Mammograms and ultrasounds are very accurate these days, so be guided by what the consultant is telling you. The biopsy will give detailed information on the type of BC and will tell them what treatment you will need.

It is a huge shock when you get the results and it feels like its happening to someone else.

Once you get the results and consequently the treatment plan, you will start to feel abit better.

I, too, was told on my daughter’s 16th birthday. This was in the summer of last year. But now, this year, I was able to celebrate her 17th, cancer free.

Sue xx

Hi Scooterbek


So sorry you have to be here and going through this.  


I didn’t find a lump (although the Dr could feel one).  My breast cancer was found on a routine mammogram and I was recalled to have it redone.  When they redid it they also did the biopsy and an ultrasound and like you I was told straight away that it was cancer before I got the biopsy results. I asked if there was any doubt because they hadn’t had results but the doctor was quite clear, almost blunt about it and I think that is because they knew I was stunned and she wanted me to take it on board.  


When I did get the results of the biopsy the following week I met the surgeon and was told the type, size and grade etc. and a treatment plan indicated.   Make sure you take someone with you as it is difficult to take it all on board in the eary days.  I took a digital voice recorder with me (they didn’t mind) and I am glad I did because I played it back and heard things that went straight over my head at the time. It is a bit like being on a rollercoaster.  Things start to happen quite quickly.  


I also told my family before getting the biopsy results because I needed to talk about it and we all needed time to try and come to terms with it.  We all react in different ways though and there is no right or wrong - what works for you is best.

I was told at mammogram that my lump was ‘very susoect’ by 2 consultants and I felt they were preparing me for the biopsy to confirm it was cancer. I chose not to tell anyone (although hubby was with me) until I knew what I was dealing with but that was just how I chose to deal with it there is no right or wrong way of handling this as we are s individuals all I will say is you have found a fab place to ask questions. Speak to others is similar situations and domewgerre to let off steam x good luck as your journey begins xx

I was told when I had my biopsy, but only told my family that I had been for tests and would know more later.  I thought it would be more gentle.  However, whenever I did bring up the subject my mother would very airily say “Oh it’s just a test” or “of course you don’t have anything…” until I finally had to be quite blunt.  It was upsetting me, not her.

Hi Scooterbec, I was also told at my first appointment on 15th June with clinc that they were 90% certain I had BC. I had biopsy, lymph biopsy and liver scan at this appointment and was booked for bone scan in 2 days, all before my diagnosis was confirmed I like you was convinced it was a hormonal lump or cyst as I am 50 and peri menopausal. I had diagnosis and treatment plan confirmed 7 days later with surgery within the week.
They can be wrong but we must be grateful for our wonderful NHS and their swift reactions and diagnosis.
I know it’s a shock but this site is so fantastic it got me through many days and nights . We are all here for you. Xx

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Thank you to all you lovely ladies today who have commented on this thread. It has been hugely helpful and supportive to hear similar experiences. I woke up this morning with so much self doubt. After a swim, afternoon nap and reading these posts I feel more balanced.

No don’t drive a scooter

Hi scooter.
My consultant knew straight away on my first appointment that I had BC. He’d done an examination, mammogram, ultrasound and a biopsy. Obviously the biopsy results weren’t available straight away but the other things were accurate. I’m now 8 weeks from diagnosis and have have left mastectomy plus ANC which has shown 2/9 nodes infected. I’m now waiting on results f

Sorry pressed send too soon! ? I’m now waiting on results from oncotype dx test in USA. I did tell very close family and friends before my biopsy results (my children still do not know anything as we’ve drip fed them information) but I told close people because I needed the support. this site has been fantastic. Ladies on here are really really inspirational it’s very humbling. Wishing you love and luck with your journey ???

I find telling people who don’t yet know quite traumatic and in all honesty did a generic messgae that I sent to people individually either by text or fb messenger I only told special people face to face as I found it mentally challenging trying to be strong when I told them when all I wanted to do was lock myself away and cry xx

When I was recalled following a mammogram i could tell by their faces that it wasn’t good news and this was before the biopsy. It was clear that the consultant radiologist present could tell from the mammogram it was BC - I suppose some are more evident than others. I did ask when she was doing the biopsy if it was BC and she told me “yes” - and she was correct. Wind on 9 months and i’m now cancer free and back living my life ‘normally’ after having a mastectomy for 10 lumps, not 1, 10!!! They know what they are doing and your treatment plan will be tailored. I remember the consultant radiologist saying to me that day “you have to look at this as a positive, it’s been found and now we can treat it”. At the time I was in a blur of shock but she was so right x

Alex thank you for sharing x inspirational ?

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. It is a really big help to get me through these early days of not knowing exactly what I’m dealing with.

Hi scooter, I had found a lump and went for mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. The bcn initally wasn’t too concerned, so I wasn’t worried having the tests, until the consultant who did the ultrasound made it clear that he wasn’t happy with what he was seeing, and that there was a definite area of concern. He took 4 biopsies including one of a raised lymph node. When I went back into see the bcn after, she was visibibly shocked, and it was her reaction to what the consultant had told her, that made me realise there would be no doubt in diagnosis. To be honest, it made the appointment the following week, for the biopsy results, easier as I knew what was going to be said, and was able to prepare myself for what might come next. Definitely better for me than being unprepared. What I wasn’t expecting at that appointment was to be told I needed chemo first!

I too told my family after the biopsies, which allowed them to process the information ready to offer the support I needed to go forward. I hope that will be the same for you. The timing is never going to be right, so sorry you are having to go on your daughter’s birthday. My daughter is 21 tomorrow and we had it all booked to be in New York…now going for Afternoon Tea, not a birthday year either of us will forget, but for very different reasons than planned. Xx 


I will receive my biopsy results today by a telephone call. I couldn’t face getting my results yesterday on my daughter birthday. So opted for a phone call today. My husband will come home from work at the set time of my phone call. I hope that a pen and paper to hand to write some information down and phone on speaker so we can both listen will work. Not exactly the same as a face to face appointment.
My daughter had a lovely birthday yesterday & we are so proud of her exam results too! So it was a double celebration.
Today is another day! I just hope I’m strong enough to keep my positive head on get my head around the next step.

Sending a hug and positive vibes.

Hi scooter what ever this phone call brings we will all be here to support you x hopefully it will be a positive call and I have everything crossed for you x congrats to your daughter x