Told I will be having!

Hi Ladies,


I was told at post op appt yesterday that lumpectomy successful, clear margins but found some cancer in lymph nodes so will need further surgery to remove more lymph nodes and then Chemo.  Initally was told Rads only so am now in shock and coming to terms with months of Chemo and another op first!!


I have been reading lots of helpful info on side effects of chemo but would welcome advice from anyone going through Chemo now, any hints and tips to get through it!! Preparation advice?


I have been awake since 4am this morning and my mind is hyper-active.  Any advice on calming myself down and preparing for the tough time ahead??  I already feel better just typing this because I know there are others out there going through this too… thank you for any words wisdom!


Sandra x

Hi Sandra,
sorry to hear your treatment plan has changed but given that they found infected lymph nodes chemo gives you best chance going forward.
Do you know yet which chemo you will be on?

I’ve had 4 lots of 3 weekly EC and 8 out of 12 weekly Taxols so far. I have to admit that it hasn’t been as bad as I thought originally

  • yes I had some nausea but the anti sickness meds kept things under control
  • I also had an infection (neutropenia) but that was dealt with quickly with iv antibiotics
  • I lost my hair but that was partly my choice (I tried cold cap but didn’t get comfortable with it at all and also not that fussed about my hair); I shaved my hair on mother’s day and it’s been no.2 cut ever since
  • Taxols has thrown it’s own side effects but on whole it’s been easier than EC

Please see top tips threads on this forum so lots of good advise and preparedness for chemo. And feel free to ask any question you have x


I’m sorry to read you’re having a tough time at the moment.  I’ve added here a link to the thread ‘Top tips to get you through chemo’  It contains lots of information from others who have undergone chemo.

If there is anything further you would like to talk through do give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000.  Here you can share your feelings and concerns with a member of staff who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator  

Sandra I was same as you, chemo got added due to tumour grading and size. I had first blast on 10th June, and managed ok. Found drinking water, taking all anti sickness meds helped. Next issue will be losing hair, but will deal when it happens. Just try and be kind to yourself. And ask the chemo nurses anything they are there to help.

Hi Sandra, another Sandra here!


I had similar diagnosis (but with some vascular spread) and had my first chemo 2 days ago, doing ok so far but I know it’s early days yet. I’ve also read how each person’s experience is unique but there are some general preps that you can find in the chemo tips. I was advised by my onc to get my shoulder length hair cut as short as I could manage before treatment. I went to a fabulous salon, found a beautiful natural looking wig then had my hair cut in the same style. That really eased my worries about any hair loss and is one thing that I do recommend. I did use the cold cap, really struggled for the first 10 mins I’ll be honest, but it did get easier. Whether I use the cold cap next time will depend on how much hair loss I have between now and then and how I’m feeling on the day. I’ve decided not to beat myself up if I can’t manage it but, as with everything, it’s a personal choice. 


I’ve had 2 surgeries (wle / snb then anc). Treatment plan changed from radiotherapy and hormone treatment but then to include chemo first (3 FEC then 3 T) - I approach everything in the same way, prepare for the worst and anything less is a bonus - that works for me. To be honest, I’ve managed to stay relatively calm throughout this experience and positive which is unlike me cos I have always been a worrier. I think I’ve got into a fight mode and know I need to be strong to get through this. A gift plaque from my sister reads ’ You are stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe and Smarter than you think’ and I believe that is true of all of us. 


If your stress levels are really high maybe consider accessing complementary therapies? I’m booked in for a reflexology / aromatherapy session next week from a local cancer support group and I’m really looking forward to it. Between my last surgery and start of chemo, my family gave me lovely treats in case my appetite / taste buds were affected from chemo (afternoon tea, beautiful lunches, family BBQ etc.) which helped keep me busy and take my mind off things if only for a little while.


I would advise to focus on the next surgery, try to put the chemo on a back burner for now, of course it won’t go away but it might help to reduce the panic feelings you’re naturally having right now. It doesn’t hurt to research and pick up tips but bear in mind that not everyone experiences all the side effects and not all the tips work for everyone (i.e., tip to eat pineapple to help with ’ metallic taste’ would have me doubled up with indigestion!).


Finally, tips for recovering from the anc - soft pillows (incl a V pillow), plenty of fluids, keep up with painkillers, definitely do the exercises (I’m 5 wks post surgery and have almost full movement in my arm and shoulder), natural constipation remedies like Movicol - not Fibogel, I learnt from experience lol!  Rest when you need to and ‘allow’ family to help - it helps you and them knowing that they’re doing something useful.


I’m sorry, I tend to go on a bit and haven’t mastered the art of short, succinct sentences! Good luck, feel free to msg me if you have specific questions that I could help with. Take care x


I’m afraid I’ve gone on a bit (I tend to!) but 

Good advice from others Sandra. Try not to over think it and get through your surgery first.

I found yoga throughout treatment really helped - partly to relax but also for strength and flexibility.

Hi sarn, yes it can be scary the thoughts of having chemo. I started yesterday having chemo , but I first had it in 2007 then since 2013 I’m on my third chemo . So In total I have had it 4 times. My best tips to you is , eat healthy lots of fruit and veg every day . I make a fruit smooth every day , no alcohol just plenty of water and couple of coffee every day. I have managed to stay healthy whilst on chemo doing this. In fact I’m off on holiday for the weekend and only had my chemo yesterday. The only down side for me was every time I have lost my hair. So I have just left it bald as I don’t like wigs. It soon grows back. Chemo has never stopped me living my life as near to normal as possible. Yes some days I’m tired but I just take it more easy. Keep in touch would like to know how you get on. Caroline xx

Hi Sandra. I just started my chemo 2 weeks ago. I’m 52 and healthy. I had steroids for 3 days around chemo date I didn’t sleep too well for the first 4 days and I felt achy. After that I started to pick up again as long as I had a bit of a rest. I have 5 more to go and my hair has just started to shed but I accept it as part of the recovery and have a wig and various hats. I hope you do well.

Hopefullholly, don’t worry, I’m not worried! I think they have their ideals for timing etc but every case is different. Initially onc was adamant no longer than 4-6 weeks between chemo and rads which made my recon difficult, in reality it going to be nearer 12 weeks and he’s happy as long as I’m taking the tamoxifen.

Hi Sandra I was the same as you lumpectomy and hopefully just radio then found out I needed chemo. I’m halfway through now and one thing I have realised is everyone is different. It hits me the weekend after tx on the Wed then I’m fine for two weeks so plan things then. Rest when you’re tired listen to your body but try and plan nice things too. Mine has flown by and there have been tough times but not as bad as I thought it would be. As I say everyone is different just see how first one goes then others will be much the same. Good luck

Hi everyone

have been to see the oncologist today and have a decision to make as to whether or not to have chemotherapy

my original plan was to have wle, rads and tamoxifen but on meeting with surgeon he dropped the chemo bomb so to speak

Oncologist was lovely,  and she said I would have a 2% benefit from chemo, I have a week to consider and  tell her my decision next Tuesday

it’s hard being left to make a decision rather than being told that you have to do it! 

were any of you ladies in this position, any thoughts 

sheena xx


Sandra, thanks so much,  am currently hitting the wine bottle,  my way to get over the hurdle,  will pm you later if that’s ok m’dear 

sheena xx

Can I join in - I originally expected Wle and rads but now I’m going to have chemo. I saw my oncologist last night and he said chemo increased the survival rate by 4% for me but as I’m her2 they advise I have it. As mIne was stage 1 grade 1 which is unusual to be her2, they are going to give me the weaker chemo - I’m having 12 weeks of taxol, rads and herceptin for a year plus anastrozole. I don’t envy you having to make that decision - it’s a tough one but I’m sure there are a lot of ladies on here who have been in the same position and can give you some good advice. Best of luck with your decision Sheena xxx

Thanks carole

I was stage 2 grade 2 but mucinous no nodes but it was a big bugger so really didn’t expect this.  2% makes it a bit of a gamble really! Have done all the reading etc and nowt is helpful right now so a wine assisted sleep for me

Night night ladies xxxx