Hi Sandra, another Sandra here!
I had similar diagnosis (but with some vascular spread) and had my first chemo 2 days ago, doing ok so far but I know it’s early days yet. I’ve also read how each person’s experience is unique but there are some general preps that you can find in the chemo tips. I was advised by my onc to get my shoulder length hair cut as short as I could manage before treatment. I went to a fabulous salon, found a beautiful natural looking wig then had my hair cut in the same style. That really eased my worries about any hair loss and is one thing that I do recommend. I did use the cold cap, really struggled for the first 10 mins I’ll be honest, but it did get easier. Whether I use the cold cap next time will depend on how much hair loss I have between now and then and how I’m feeling on the day. I’ve decided not to beat myself up if I can’t manage it but, as with everything, it’s a personal choice.
I’ve had 2 surgeries (wle / snb then anc). Treatment plan changed from radiotherapy and hormone treatment but then to include chemo first (3 FEC then 3 T) - I approach everything in the same way, prepare for the worst and anything less is a bonus - that works for me. To be honest, I’ve managed to stay relatively calm throughout this experience and positive which is unlike me cos I have always been a worrier. I think I’ve got into a fight mode and know I need to be strong to get through this. A gift plaque from my sister reads ’ You are stronger than you seem, Braver than you believe and Smarter than you think’ and I believe that is true of all of us.
If your stress levels are really high maybe consider accessing complementary therapies? I’m booked in for a reflexology / aromatherapy session next week from a local cancer support group and I’m really looking forward to it. Between my last surgery and start of chemo, my family gave me lovely treats in case my appetite / taste buds were affected from chemo (afternoon tea, beautiful lunches, family BBQ etc.) which helped keep me busy and take my mind off things if only for a little while.
I would advise to focus on the next surgery, try to put the chemo on a back burner for now, of course it won’t go away but it might help to reduce the panic feelings you’re naturally having right now. It doesn’t hurt to research and pick up tips but bear in mind that not everyone experiences all the side effects and not all the tips work for everyone (i.e., tip to eat pineapple to help with ’ metallic taste’ would have me doubled up with indigestion!).
Finally, tips for recovering from the anc - soft pillows (incl a V pillow), plenty of fluids, keep up with painkillers, definitely do the exercises (I’m 5 wks post surgery and have almost full movement in my arm and shoulder), natural constipation remedies like Movicol - not Fibogel, I learnt from experience lol! Rest when you need to and ‘allow’ family to help - it helps you and them knowing that they’re doing something useful.
I’m sorry, I tend to go on a bit and haven’t mastered the art of short, succinct sentences! Good luck, feel free to msg me if you have specific questions that I could help with. Take care x
I’m afraid I’ve gone on a bit (I tend to!) but