–TOLD NOT TO RETURN TO MY JOB- —Following all the horrible stuff which required 6 months off work, I returned whilst still doing rads ((in 12 yrs work I have only had 12 days sick before now) couldn’t afford to go on to half pay) after 3 months on phased return, had meeting with my boss who told me that he felt it would be too stressful for me to return to my job (managing 250+ staff) and that they did not want me to take up my post as it was too stressful, and they would create another job for me - I felt desolate and useless - didn’t feel I could fight them - still dpn’t - too painful - and I don’t feel I have the energy, but I feel so humiliated and (again) out of control! I am angry and hurt that the reason they give (it is a local Authoruty I work for)is because of my health! - I cannot understand any of this! - My Partner and son’s want me to just accept things as they are, they thought my job was too stressful and think I should have things easier and are worried bout stress levels - I am sooooo angry though!, and think it is so unfair - am I being unreasonable???
I feel so angry and worthless!.
— Dear Idaful
That is a blow but it sounds like the boss is trying it on actually. I suspect your job was already really the job of say one and a half people and that is showing up now that you are a bit under par and doing less hours.
Are you in the union (Unison?) and can they help at all? Have you explored options with the help of occupational health? Even if it is that you job share with someone for the next 6 - 12 months and a job share post is created - a bit like a maternity leave. Of course the other option is that you make life harder for them by just going back off sick tho I know that if you have reached half pay it may not be possible - but consider it seriously as an option, as you may then be well enough after 6 months to return full-time.
This stress isn’t going to help your recovery and state of mind.
I work in local govt and was able to stand a couple of months half-pay after 6 months full, then went back phased (using my leave mind you!!). But I was lucky to have a supportive boss and colleagues.
Can you use your leave creatively to help to be part-time for longer?
If I think of anything else I will post again but let me know how you are doing.
Take care
Love Pamela
Sorry but is this not unlawful Not sure if you are now back to full time work or still part time but I thought that this was actually against the law.
No, I do not think you are being unreasonable, a couple of years ago my boss decided to change my job title and move me around while I was in hospital with pneumonia, upon my return I had some intense conversations, which included threatening legal action and advising of various shere I knew the company had acted illegally. My boss immediately withdrew the changes after speaking to HR, we still work together and I keep a professional front on everything but I would never trust him again.
It really is worth doing a quick bit if research on the net on this to see exactly what your legal standing is. If you can face them with a definate basic knowledge of the legality, they will often back down fast.
Get some advice I am no expert, but have worked in human resources before and I think this is not right.
If you work for a local authority you should have have an occupational health department .They should be supporting you.
If someone is told that you shouldn’t be at work it should be after numerous meetings and medical reports. I am at that stage now and about to be ill health retired but I have worked 9 months into a mets diagnosis. After my initial diagnosis and treatment 2 years ago I had a huge ammount of support I also went back on a phased return and worked through quite a lot of my treatment for the same reasons as you - at that time I couldn’t afford to go on half pay either. I work for the NHS and their set up I am sure would be similar to a local authority.
I have had to accept that I can no longer do my job but I certainly wouldn’t have let them tell me that at the end of my primary treatment. I at least wanted to try.
My advice is to get some advice. See your local citizen advice bureau. They are free and will let you know your rights. Don’t let them get away with this until you are sure they are legally able to.
Good Luck Panda x
not sure i am sure i read somewhere on here that we are now qualified under the disability discrimination act. surely they can not do this to you.
you are not worthless. they are shits for what they have done.
how dare they.
Please check for the disability act.
good luck.
Oops wrong title, I meant to say Sorry but I believe this IS unlawful.
And I now seem to have lost it entirely —
Disability Discrimination Act We are now covered under the Disabilty Discrimination Act 2005.
Here’s a brief summary (more info is available on www.pointofdiagnosis.org.uk):
We have protection against direct discrimination (less favourable treatment because of our condition).
Employers have to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to practices and premises if they place you at a substantial disadvantage e.g if you need to undergo treatment and rehabilitation your employer should consider allowing you a period of disability leave and permit you to return to your job at the end of this period, also flexible working arrangements may be an option.
It also covers things such as harassment and vicitmisation.
Hope this info helps.
Hi I am not going to offer you advice on the law - many of the others have - I just want to offer my support. It is not for your boss to decide what is too stressfull for you. What bl***y cheeck! I hope you fight him over this.
Go to the local paper and get the sympathy vote…
Good luck and please let us know how you get on.
Useful information from the government Running a search on the government’s site on the disability discrimination act gave these results which might be useful.
Hope this is of some help
Best wishes
BCC Host
—thank you so much —for all your replies and support.
I really don’t feel strong enough physically and emotionally to fight them on this - I have spoken with HR and Occ health who have told them that this is a serious breach and not on at all, and that I could go to tribunal - a long job, and more emotional stuff! - but boss still seems to think this is “reasonable adjustments” I will have less work/responsibility and the same pay, I still feel angry, but honestly feel like all the stuffing has been knocked out of me! and I could do with a quiet life for a while!
I know this all sounds weak and wimpy, and not at all like me - but I really think my prioty now is to just get through each day, and stuff them all! sorry
don’t say sorry you are now taking the choice to look after yourself to the best of your ability. If this is your choice, it’s the right one.
My friend went part time after her op and has decided that life is more important than working to hard.
Look after yourself. you are the most important person here.
sharon. x
i agree …I’m an HR Manager and I agree that your boss is on very dangerous ground here. Glad that your HR department have already backed you up on this. You have the right to raise a formal grievance if you would like someone else in your organisation to intervene.
It does sound like you have a stressful job. If you don’t feel you have the strength to fight the decision, at least try to get a clear steer from your boss about what happens as you recover and get stronger in your health as you don’t want to let this be detrimental to your career and job satisfaction in the long run.
Good luck - Amy x
I agree too! If you are in a trade union (UNISON is the main union for local government) then please go to them with this issue as they will deal with it on your behalf and you won’t have to deal with all the additional stress your manager is creating. People like this need stopping and you have rights and protections under the DDA from the day of diagnosis. As you don’t feel strong enough to deal with this please, please let someone else fight for you.
Good Luck!
S x