too stressed for words

well it monday and still no appointment everything is getting me down i feel like i have pain all over the place i know it most likley worrie just wanto know wots goig on so stressed that the longer they leave the worst it will get but i know for my kids sake i have to be strong but one can only take so much

Honeybee, call your BCN and pester her to find out what’s going on. If you haven’t been assigned one or you’re not sure, call the clinic and pester them instead. Mistakes do happen sometime, so don’t feel you’re bothering people unnecessarily. Good luck.

Honeybee,i can really identify with what your going through. i am in a similar situation.I am awaiting a bone scan result and every limb seems to be aching.I went to my doctors today and she tried to get the report from my bone scan on her computer screen but it doesnt look as though its been typed up yet.I am now in possesion of diazepam and have just taken one.I was making myself ill with worry and i am now experiencing quite a woozy feeling.This waiting is mental torture and i dont think there are many people who can carry on as normal when awaiting results that could dramatically change their lives. Just wanted to share that with you so that you know that you are not alone.I am so thankful we have these forums as if we didn’t the isolation of this disease would be awful
take care

well i rang bcn she was on hoildays but another said she would ring me back after she found out when well she did and it seems its 23 rd of this month so i still aint no closer to knowing wots next
tracy i take diazepam and i too have the the woozy feeling which i hate so dont tend to take em and just put up with the pain (in back and wot feels like under my ribs ) so with that and being told cancer i worrie it may already be elsewhere i just didnt know it still with luck by the end of the month i should know for sure didnt think it would take this long cos it has already been 3 weeks and now another 3 to go at lest im getting somewhere
tc maz

havent been able to update but have some news 23rd was cancelled and i went in 10th my god it bloody hurt lol anyways she gave me some hope she said nothing had shown up on the mammogram but the fna came back as a 3 and the ultrasound was showing as a 4 now from wot i was understanding at the time it ment it may not be bc any ways away i went to come back on 16th to find out the result well hope was in bits as they said grade 3 dcis and that they will have me back in on the 30th to remove the lump and nodes from under my arm 10 days laters i will know wots next so still a waiting game even after the DX lol. i remember being told its none responsive to hormon again i dont know wot that means or wot it means for me infact i dont really know wot to think or wot to do or how i should be feeling if i talk about it im told to shut up cos everything will be fine there is no need to worrie then your so strong you will get through it not saying i wont, hate the fact they all talk behind your back and because 1 family member has came out the other side with only 1 day off work through chemo and everything then it should be the same for me i have said we are all different and i hope i sail through it as good too but whos to know anyways best i get to doing the kids bedrooms goto keep busy, so happy the forums open for now cos keeping it all in was hell tracy i hope you get off this waiting room soon cus you are right the waiting is the hardest part
maz x

Hi Maz,

Sorry it turned out to be something but at least you have a way forward now. I had a bc with some DCIS round it and had a lumpectomy (WLE) and Sentinel Node Biopsy to check the lymph nodes. It was only a day surgery and thankfully the lymph was clear and the WLE hurt far less than the little incision under the arm. Both were bearable and I was back up and about quickly.

Have they told you whether you will need chemo? Most people who have a WLE have rads - I am just waiting for mine now - pretty automatically but chemo depends on size and other factors. I now know that I don’t need it. You may not necessarily? It is such a lot to take in at once and I found I kept having to ring up the BCN to check things particularly early after dx. Hope you have survived the forum downtime. If you have any questions no matter how strange or silly they may seem, there are plenty of people here who have had the surgery you are going to have and we are more than willing to help xx

all i know is when i go in on the 30th i will only be in for the day i know i will be having a general anesthetic having the lump and the nodes removed while under then it will be 10 days later i will know if the nodes are clear and if they got all the lump then should start chemo sometime in may and possibly rads after that

Bless you honeybee - you’ve really been throught the mill to get to your dx haven’t you.
Well, from one of many who’ve been there recently, the WLE & SNB should be a doddle.
As you say they’re generally just day-case surgeries - unless you end up at the end of the surgeons list and it gets too late to discharge you (they do keep an eye on you for a few hours after surgery usually to ensure that you’ve had a drink & something to munch before you go).
Take a book or ipod to keep you company - my ward didn’t have space for someone to wait with me and take a loose top instead of bra to come home in. Bra’s are ok but a loose top is much easier to put on with the dressings etc. Did they say it’ll be chemo because it was Grade 3? They did for me + I also had a 2nd lump of IDC.
Good luck on 30th for clear margins & nodes.

XX Chris XX

from wot im understanding its going to be chemo cos im only 41 and can handel it ? well thats how he put it as for being on me own in there i wont be my soninlaw is in the same day same time for an op too so ill go walk abouts lol hate hosptials at the best of time spent to many days in there im just trying not to think about it cos i know ill be ill hate needles they freek me out but after having lumps removed from my knees some yrs ago i know not to be put out with gas dont half give you a bad head when you come round, in all from my first appointment to my dx it has been 5 weeks altho doctor said it was cancer the 1st time from 1st to knowing if they got it all and wots next it will be about 8/9 weeks waiting then we can move on to the next stage , wots getting me though these weeks is the fact its only 9 weeks till my grandson is born