Tooth extraction

Hi me again.
Regionally advanced secondary breast , liver / lung and small met in bone.
I had a ok dental check before going on to Ribo / Fulvestrant/ and Zonaclonic acid infusion first treatment in Sept. I had to stop the Ribo after 12 days due to temp and feeling lousy.
Am due to go back on 400 mg of Ribo soon soo popped into dentist to get advice on another tooth and was told my lower back wisdom tooth is a bit loose. I was amazed and a bit fed up as a colleague at the practice a month before had said it was fine . I have no pain or sensitivity from it .
My Onco nurse says I can have it extracted but cannot go on the Ribo for at least 2 weeks afterwards. My Zonaclonic acid infusion was 5 weeks ago for one month only so they seem less worried about me developing jaw/ bone problems .
I feel conflicted if I don’t heal well from it I could be more than 2 weeks before I get back on treatment. I’ve only had two weeks on Ribo prior to all this . I feel I should risk the need to extraction down the line and just get on with the treatment asap. The NHS dentist is not a good communicator and only works part time .
Anyone have any thoughts ?


Can you get a second opinion on the tooth? Do they know why it is slightly loose? Is the gum around it ok and is the tooth otherwise healthy?

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The gum around it is healthy, the tooth has lost a filling and I just wanted it replaced . Dentist says it is ‘ compromised ‘ .
I’m getting a second opinion next week but it’s all adding to unwanted delay .
I realise no one can tell me what to do but …

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I was on Ribociclib for 2 years and ruined my teeth. Had to have 2 teeth removed so I think medication does affect some people quite badly. I had breaks for dentist treatment and recovered well but in the end each person has to go with what they feel is best. Difficult decisions, I know. Hope all goes well.

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Thanks ruthb37 for your thoughts.
I think my anxiety about getting back on treatment asap makes me so stressed.
Sorry to hear you had dental issues but good that you healed ok .
Hopefully I’ll know more next week and if I do go for an extraction it will heal in 2 weeks.
Best wishes .

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Hi @kel66, I had my wisdom tooth extracted after having two Zoledronic acid infusions. My oncologist was very scared but the dentist said that if I leave it, would be even worse as it accumulates and stays in your body for a very long time after you’ve finished the treatment. In essence he told me don’t wait it will be worse…I was also really scared but I had it at a hospital/operating theatre in a very sterile environment and had stitches so that I don’t develop infection.

Though, saying that I had finished chemo and RT; I was having Abemaciclib and Letrozole so I understand your concern about postponing chemo but I think you should speak with your onco team. Also can you get a hygienist treatment regularly? This can help but I think you definitely need to speak with your oncologist.

Worth mentioning, I had the treatment privately as I’ve got health insurance through my work place.

Take care. Xxx

P.S. I am also using a special toothpaste Durafat 5000mg that supposedly helps with your teeth staying healthy especially during chemo it helped me a lot…I’ve got quite a few fillings and was worried that chemo will make my teeth worse. The thing is you can only get it from the dentist is not on Amazon or on any other websites.


Thanks Mun40.
I’ve only had one infusion so far so I’m hoping my Oncologist will think it’s best to go now. I’m not scheduled for chemo yet , just trying to sort out and get on my Ribociclib dose with the Fulvestrant.
I see a hygienist twice a year and will keep that going .
Best wishes

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Hi I’ve been where you are, I had the tooth extracted and am so glad i did, i’d had repeated issues with the loose one for reasons including infection and when you have infection you have to stop other tablets with the exception of letrozle for 2 weeks until healing. once the tooth was out it was 8 weeks i had to wait. My dentist is an excellent easy to talk to Indian lady. But i did have to go via the NHs to have the extraction and waited 12 months.
I do have a friend who has warned me off Zolendric or whatever its called, she lost all her teeth being on the product. good luck Moonsox xxx

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