Top tips going through chemo!!!!

Hi Jackie,

check out headcovers its an awesome website. Although it’s based in the US, delivery is and the items are shipped v.quickly. They have everything from their great terry towelling sleep cap, to eyebrows and eyelashes!

If you don’t fancy going down the false route then ‘Browzings’ by Benefit is supposed to be particularly good eyebrow make-up, you can find it in Boots.

Take care and all the best,


Hi Kelly

Thanks so much for the advice. Im going off to browse but I can see how much everyone appreciates your help not just me - your a star!!!


Hello Everybody

My eyelashes have started falling out, I am going to try the falsies. Anybody tried them yet and what did you think.

Lots of love

Hi Emma

I was told to steer clear of falsies as they actually pull out your remaining eyelashes on removal. I have bought an expensive eye liner and that has made a big difference.

I have just finished chemo and still have a few lashes left and am looking forward to having them back!

Hope this helps

I found that wearing kohl on the lower lid made the eyes stand out a lot. I didn’t lose my eyelashes completely, but the FEC made my eyes quite watery so I abandoned mascara for the duration.

I did have a couple of wigs - really nice ones - because I work in an office and wanted to look “normal” - whatever that means! - but found myself far more comfortable in a thin beanie cap with a long scarf woven around and tied at the back. I am well past chemo (last one in September 2007) and my hair’s growing back better than ever before - lots more bounce and thicker - so hang on in there you ladies without hair and watch it grow!

I like the Go Cake recipe, by the way, because I have been on Tamoxifen since last December and find it can cause constipation, even if I eat plenty of fruit and veg, so I will definitely give it a go (excuse the pun).

Good luck to you all out there in the middle of chemo. It’s horrid and it’s absolute pants. But you’ll get through it and come out the other end.

Bubs X

Hello girls. Am a newy. About to see consultant at Gatwick Park today to find out exact treatment plan for invasive ductal (not spread to nodes at this moment). I’m having chemo first and feel like I’m the only one as everyone else seems to have surgery first so why am I so different? My tumor has spread around the breast so it must be large. Will find all this out today. Is anyone going to St Lukes in Guildord? If so, what’s it like? Any tips? Worried sick but keeping positive. x x

Hello girls - I didn’t bother with false eyelashes when mine thinned - I’m sure there’s a tip in here that the glue actually takes out what eyelashes you have remaining. You can do a great trick with eyeshadow and nobody will really notice. Maggie’s Centres do great make up sessions.

I am blonde (well, normally) and had probs getting an eyebrow pencil. Even the blonde one from Boots is a bit too dark/reddish - but it’s better than nothing, and has a great comb on the end, so the result looks good.

If your skin goes all papery and wrinkly, Boots own make night cream is ABSOLUTELY fantastic - people commented on the improvement in just one week!

On the plus side, I’ve done 4xFEC and as soon as I started the Tax my hair started to grow in again - now have bum fluff all over my head!!!

hi people… a bump up… and all newbies - it is a long thread but do read it - princess18 was inspired to begin it!!

some of this may eventually appear on the new website - if i can get my newly ex chemo brain together.
much love and wishing all of you the best

jen xx


bump up

Thanks Mal for passing this on - Shame it takes so long to get through it
Thanks everyone I’m off shopping on Saturday

Wow I can’t believe there are so many different ways of coping with the side effects. Shall definitley have to put a shopping list together. Started first lot of FEC last Wednesday and so far have had only mild side effects(I’m sure the worst is yet to come). I too am suffering with ‘chemo brain’. I leave sentences half finished and walk into rooms wondering what the hell I’ve gone in there for! Anyway what was I saying? Thanks for the tips.

Hey ladies, a friend of mine who has been there and done that suggested, manuka honey, hot water and a drop of peppermint oil for nausea.

Just to let you know.


Bump xx


encore un bump

Hi Kelly

Thank you so much for your top tips! I’m new to this site but basically mum is starting chemo in 2 weeks time having had a lump and all her nodes removed.

This list of tips will be so useful! My advantage card will be put to good use!

Thanks again

Hi Heather,

you are more than welcome, I’m glad the tips helped. Lucky your mum’s got you and your advantage card taking care of her! I really hope all goes well with your mum’s treatment and her side effects are minimal, she’ll be finished sooner than you both realise, honest.

Take care,


I wish I had found this link a fortnight ago before I started chemo! Its brilliant :slight_smile:

I’d like to add my own top ten tips…

  1. V8 Vegetable juice - when you can’t keep anything down or face food its gets in really vital nutrients and vits - its tastes like a Bloody Mary mix.
  2. Lucozade - I know its been mentioned before but I’ll back this all the way. Energy boosting. Good in the mornings if you can’t face a cuppa. Personally for 10 days after chemo I haven’t been able to face milk - not even in tea. And on that note…
  3. Flavoured tea / Green tea - if you can’t face dairy this is good for a hot drink
  4. Haribo - the soft starmix are good for sore mouth and releiving the metal taste. I keep some in a pot by the bed. Don’t get the tangtastics though which have hard sugar on and will irritate gums. Also mints are good.
  5. Flavoured sparkling water - I have had times when tap water (even filtered) tastes awful and found this flavoured stuff is great. Tesco’s own are 3 for a £1. Bargain.
  6. Bananas - when you’ve got to take those anti sickness pills first thing in the morning a banana is so light it shouldn’t make you too ill.
  7. Accept help. Even if someone offers to come and hoover for you. Say yes. Save your own energy for ‘indulgent’ things like going for a walk.
  8. Store emergency numbers clearly in your phone. I spent a panicked morning today searching for a helpline number for a development in my own status. In fact keep a copy on the fridge / kitchen door / pin board in case family members need to make a call for you. Also find out from your consultant which numbers you should be phoning at weekends or in the night as some centres are closed at this time.
  9. Smash. Yes the instant potato. Again when you can’t eat but must eat and your mouth is sore I find it works well. Needs ketchup though (tomatos are good for us at least).
  10. Laugh. Whenever you can. It really is the best medicine.

To anyone new reading this I’ll say I agree with all the comments and tips on here - follow them all and add your own. I’ve got ginger and pineapple bursting out of my kitchen cupboards! I’ve got my chemo bag ready incase an emergency hospital visit is needed (and take it on chemo days) and have told the OH where it is and that he needs to remember I have told him about it! Its got pyjamas, warm socks, clean knickers, a wash bag with spare toothbrush and paste, face wipes, mirror, tissues, bag of pineapple peices, anti bacterial hand gel, and a book. I hope I never use it but as I learned all those years ago in the Girl Guides - Be Prepared.

Emma x
