just bumping up
just bumping up for Nicky08
Wow! What a lot of info - fantastic.
Many thanks to everyone who’s put their top tips here and for Anita67 for bumping it up the list - I hadn’t found it before. Anything I come across that may be different and helps I’ll add later when the dreaded chemo starts.
Hoping not to need EVERYTHING on here but at least I’ll be prepared.
Thanks again and good luck to all of you going through this.
Nicky xx
V best wishes Nicky hope it goes well
J x
Hey there
I went through 6 x FEC three years ago and kept a diary of side effects kinda helped (they did vary slightly on each cycle), only thing i would add is SLEEP lots! If people are visiting dont be polite and try and stay awake sleep!
Also Movical is the best thing to take for constipation, beware salt cravings (i had them due to sickness) makes you more constipated!
OOooo for ladies who do not want shave their hair off straight away ( i choose cold cap and not to cut it- kept 50 per cent)- Get a hair net for bedtime its less stressful then hoovering off loose hair (which will drive you nuts) in morning.
If you find you can stomach food thats generally bad for you mcdonalds etc is better than not eating at all -advice from my nurse and oncologist and worked a treat!
I found FEC quite easy to get through but put that down to being 28 at time and was super fit (joke i know) in the gym sense when i was dx!
Ive just started chemo again so had my 1st lot of Taxotere 10 days ago…touch wood ive had very little side effects bring on the next 5
Good luck ladies!
I start 6 x FEC tomorrow and have to add that I have found this thread excellant and sooooooooooooo helpful. Many thanks to all who had added comments that are so valuable to us newbies, All stocked up on ginger everything, babies hairbrush,bowel stoppers and goers.
Goodluck to everyone
Hi All,
During my Tax I really suffered from watery, sore eyes. I tried several different types of eye drops for infected and sore eyes but no joy. My GP suggested I try Boots Hayfever Relief Drops which worked a treat!
Louisa xxx
Bumping this up as it’s really helpful for everybody
I wonder if the moderators would consider making this thread sticky. It really is so useful.
I’m seeing my onc for the first time and then going shopping.
May have to start a new thread called pre chemo shopping list… now that should be a web page.
Lots of love Ladies
Bumping again for new member Debs
Good luck with the chemo angie, and happy shopping!
Another feedback to everyone.
I’ve had the chemo haircut, checked out the wig, bought the ‘chemo kit’, had ECG, Bloods and Chemo chat all this week. Guess that means it’s going to happen then!
I do feel better being prepared and my lovely daughters said my hair cut was better than the one I had - I wish they’d said before! A couple of ‘tips’ from the nurse I had my chat to, who has just been on a refresher chemo course. She says the thinking is that the cold cap is 80% effective - sorry if it wasn’t for any of you though and it is also more effective if you dampen your hair beforehand. I will give this a go but I expect I will be thought of as mad but hey ho it’s worth a try.
The tip about Poundland was really useful - it’s definitely cheaper than Boots for some things but I will check out the thermometer in case it packs in at 37 degrees!
I start my 1st treatment, all being well with me and my bloods, next Thursday so I will probably start a different thread and keep this for the Tips or join in on any of those going for ladies who are at a similar stage in the treatment cycle.
Good luck to all of you and hope you can enjoy the Bank Holiday especially if you’re recovering from any treatment.
Nicky x
Thanks for tips. Nicky hope goes well for first treament on thursday I am in for my ist chemo the day after you friday 9th May. Now off to buy the " chemo kit".
This is my first post. I’ve just been looking at all these great tips, I begin my chemo tomorrow 6th May. I have found so much helpful info on this web site which has made me feel less anxious. Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
Liz xx
my Mum has suggested taking coQ10 to help against chemo brain. I’ll check with the onc and if OK will try and let you all know what happens.
Thank you so much-have been looking for headgear, and the link looks perfect-just what I needed!
just bumping up
bumping up as really great thread
Bumping again for Peacebie
Hi, very interesting thread - expert advice from those that have been/are there!
Have just been warned today that I may expect to have chemo. looking at some of these comments I see steroids mentioned. Do you always take steriods with chemo? This worries me a bit as I have had to take steriods a couple of times when I have had bad asthma attacks and they used to make me feel rotten, very depressed and crying and unable to settle, e.g. pacing up and down the hospital ward ( which is not easy when you can’t breath anyway! ). Perhaps there are different types of steroids - anyone know?