Top tips going through chemo!!!!

HI Firebird,

The steroids just gave me loads of energy, and I felt very positive - positively bouncing through the hills in the snow just two days after first FEC! I was warned to take them in the morning as if you take them at night you are up all night - which isn’t what you really want. My OH wanted me to stay on the steroids as I got so much housework done, homecooked meals etc…it’s certainly not like that normally! I was only given steroids for 3 days after each chemo, so it’s not too long.

Try not to worry, and if the steroids they put you on don’t work for you, I’m sure they can change them.

thanks Westside Sue. I don’t know what I am worrying about anyway… what is a bit of restlessness and depression compared to what we are putting up with !!

just doing a bump up - take care all
J x

bump up

Get some ibuprofen gel in case your arm is sore/slightly swollen after chemo. However, you must get doc/nurse to check it out if that happens as you may also need antibitiocs.

However ‘small’ or ‘insignificant’ you think your symptoms are - get it checked out!
Better being safe than sorry.

firebird I suffer from asthma & had 1st chemo session last friday, by monday I my breathing was bad and no amount of blue inhaler was going to work by tuesday my sister insisted on GP visit who gave me a 5 day course of steriods which kicked in today making breathing easier. I have had steriods for my asthma twice this year already due to chest infections and asked if chemo made the asthma worse. GP says its stress, just relax…I am sure it was a reaction to the chemo but we will see at session 2.
take care all

Everything tastes fatty on Taxotere anyone else had that??

And bumping this thread up


bumping up

Thanks elginquine - I will remember to ask about asthma when I see the oncologist

Bumping thread up for new user Joanne42 - hope it helps!

Just a couple of things I’ve tried

Slippery Elm Powder - available from most health food shops or online. Mixed into natural yoghurt it’s not the most palatable thing but really helped with my nausea.

Lifemel Honey - expensive but massively boosts white blood cell reproduction so it helps your immune system.

Hope this helps

Bumping up for Joanne42,

Hope you find this useful,


bumping up for sallymally - it’s a goldmine.

bumping up

bumping up

sorry guys another bump!!!

And another!

Just bumping this up for the newbies,

Hope it helps and good luck,


Wow I am glad I have found this thread, I’ve just spent the last hour trying to read it all.

I now have my shopping list, I see my onc on Monday so if he gives me a date I will make sure I am good to go.

Thanks everyone for the tips.
