Total fear xmas eve

Hi, newbie & cacking it … I had core biopsy as cld not tell from biopsy , called in for results xmas eve was told all ok then called back in from carpark to say made a mistake … invasive duct cancer … grade 2, been told lumpectomy & radiotherapy … but its been bit of a shitshow from off tbh, not had ultrasound scan … just feels all wrong, i feel bag of shit … just feel sick all the time atm ( prob stress) & cant speak to my cancer nurse til Monday …. I am prob reading all the negatives … not positives, rang breast care now & nurse said sounds like early diagnosis as found on mammogram not a lump xx. Really dont feel strong atm, not sure what I expect just now seem to have pain in arm, back & feel bleugh … hoping some positive vibe will help me … thank you in advance …. :crossed_fingers:


Hi @kp247 Welcome to the forum and well done for calling the BCN nurses, they are experts in breast cancer and have the time to talk through things. Breast care nurses from your clinics are great but they are time poor.

Wow that’s is really horrible experience of receiving the news. I’m so sorry that happened.

I was diagnosed with bilateral (1 in each boob) invasive breast cancer in May 2023. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy in July. Surgery was successful, all cancer gone and lymph nodes were clear. One of my tumours was HER2+ so I needed Herceptin and chemotherapy which started in September, 12 weeks of chemo and the Herceptin finished in Sept 2024. I had radiotherapy in January, followed by Letrozole tablets for the ER+ to be taken for 5 years and Zoledronic acid for my bones, infusion 6monthly for 3 years. It’s sounds a lot but it’s doable. I took a long time to get my full diagnosis, I found 1 lump and then when I was told it was invasive cancer I had to wait for the HER2+ results, another 2 weeks, then an MRI to size the tumour to decide if it was surgery or chemo first put a spanner in the works. It found something suspect, they thought it was an intra mammary gland but another ultrasound guided biopsy found another tumour. A separate primary much smaller and lower grade. The waiting for results was the worst and every day I thought the cancer is growing. But in reality breast cancer grows quite slowly.

Last Christmas was pretty rubbish but after nearly 17 months of active treatment I feel so much stronger, it’s not perfect by any means and I had a really lovely Christmas this year. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m not going to tell you not to worry because we all do or not to Google, just that if you do search anything look at reputable sites like BCN, MacMillan, Cancer Research and YouTube/Podcast Dr Liz O’Riordan (breast cancer surgeon who had breast cancer).

The forum is a very supportive place and will be there for you. Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for your reply …. & just wow … you been through alot & i will have to read & re read to get my head around yours, but am so glad things looking up … I feel so inept at the moment, dont think i fully took what I was being told tbh …. So as I say will ring my cancer nurse to ask more questions
Thanks for taking time to reply, I will explore site more … but just felt if I wrote it down would be more real
Thabks again & take care :kissing_heart: x


Welcome to the forum @kp247 . What a confusing way to get a diagnosis ,your head must be all over the place . Good idea to talk things through with your BCN when you can . I was diagnosed with IDC through breast cancer screening programme 10 years ago now and Im still here as will be the vast majority of women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer .Its totally normal to suddenly have all sorts of aches and pains which you worry could be connected to your diagnosis - they are in vast majority of cases caused by anxiety and you being hyper aware of every little niggle - lots of support here if you need it . Best wishes Jill


The forum is great for writing down, ranting and sharing things you may find hard to say to those close to you. You will always have others who ‘get where you’re at’.



Hey there @kp247

What a rubbish start you have had to a journey that none of us wants to go on. You would be within your rights to complain via PALS and I might be worth it as it has made a traumatic situation worse for you and it might stop it happening to someone else.
The way you are feeling now is perfectly normal for the stage you are at - very few of us can take the positives straight after diagnosis . As for feeling positive or strong don’t put that extra pressure on yourself - you may find that you are being strong for other people or feel ok in a morning but crap in the afternoon or vice versa. You did the right thing phoning the helpline and they will be happy to speak to you again if that’s what you need. I had a very early very low grade cancer I had one failed procedure followed by lumpectomy and radiotherapy and in retrospect I know that I have been lucky so far but that certainly not how it felt at the time .

I experienced more pain in my armpit and upper arm after biopsy and surgery than my breast - I think that’s common. A lot of us become hyper aware and experience all sorts of twinges of pain everywhere that we have never previously noticed because we are panicking about what’s going on inside. All my twinges miraculously cleared up after my lumpectomy but get help from your GP if you feel you need it.
Don’t worry too much about not having had an ultrasound - my lump barely even showed on mine but if when you get your results they feel they want further investigations they will order them . If they do order more tests don’t read too much into it as some cancers show up better on MRI or CT than mammogram.

Write down all the questions you have before you speak to the Nurse on Monday . Try to remember that you are the same person as you were before the diagnosis - you had the lump then as well you just didn’t know it . Try to treat the weekend as a bit of a break from it if you can - no appointments , no further developments til Monday at least . Try to do something that you love and which makes you happy even if it’s only for a little while it will get you out of your head . Take it a day at a time and let us know how things go - always here .

Lots of love xx


Thank you … me head is all over the place, still feels like a dream, told size 18mm so does this make it early diagnosis … I had no lump …
Thank you for your positive post … I just feel at a total loss x


Gosh, I am so sorry to read your experience - that’s a pretty bad way to treat a patient, in my opinion, and while our instinct would be to say you have a right to complain, and/or request a second opinion, right at this moment you are plain scared and worried. When you get to speak to the nurse, please enforce just how you are feeling - how would anyone be sure they are getting good care when they are given the thumbs-up, and then called back from the car park. That is pure inefficiency and a lack of the professionalism at every level. Since Covid, I have definitely noticed less ‘care’ in the system for newbies, as my experience began in 2018 and my care was top notch - going for the 5 year follow up mammos and appointments, I can see how all services have been stretched beyond capability. Not just breast cancer care. I am so sorry, and I hope you get some peace of mind come Monday. Whatever the time of day, there is always someone around on here to ‘talk’ with, from my experience. Wishing you well.

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To be wrongly told all OK when it wasn’t is diabolical. Definitely put in a PALS - to stop others going through the same but it can make sure they are ‘extra careful’ as it were with you.

Let your team (who gave you wrong info, breast care nurse/s) know that the way you have been treated so far is unacceptable. The word unacceptable works wonders in any difficult NHS situation! Ask them how they would feel if they were mistakenly given the all clear and then told the bad news remotely within the actual timescale. Ask why told all OK, then IDBC grade 2 and sounds like early diagnosis.

All the above advise in the replies is good. Every slight day to day tiny twinge will feel full on agony - it’s your brain on overtime and stress, even if you think your brain is having a rest and you may not be/feel stressed at the time.

Waiting for your plan and treatment to start is honestly the worst bit of this whole BC palavar (baring being given pants info etc.). The plan will be dependent on what it type it actually is.

Monday will seem like an age away. Do lovely stuff to distract you. Googling BC is not a distraction. Use this forum to rant. I’d not read around it too much until you know what you’re dealing with or you could end up going down a load of rabbit holes. Get some fresh air, which will, hopefully, help you sleep well/better and that will help a whole host things.

All the best.


Hi kp247

Sorry you have to be here, but welcome.

I have a different opinion which may not be popular. However, I was also given wrong information by a BCN relating to the size of my tumour and she told me that would mean I had to have a mastectomy. Even told me about the timescales for surgery if I wanted reconstruction. I was devastated and then furious when I found out what I had been told was wrong and so angry towards that particular nurse. But, I then calmed and realised my anger was actually a reflection of my fear. She made a mistake and she apologised. Yes, it was incredibly upsetting, but we all make them and nobody would do this kind of thing intentionally. I decided to put it behind me and focus on my treatment moving forward. This whole thing is stressful enough without getting caught up in the bureaucracy and frustration of complaints processes. The hospital knows they did wrong and made a terrible mistake. I’m genuinely sorry you have experienced this and hope they apologised (and if they haven’t then they should), but if I were you I would try to put that aside and focus on you.

The aches and pains are normal for lots of people. After diagnosis I was exhausted, couldn’t eat, arms ached and back hurt so much I was convinced it must have spread to my spine. All of these things disappeared immediately after surgery. My cancer was a similar size to yours and I had lumpectomy, radiotherapy and now on tamoxifen. None of these have been anywhere near as bad as I imagined and I’m thankful to be fully recovered. Your treatment plan will depend on type of cancer so I hope you are given all the information you need at your appointment tomorrow so you know what is happening and when.

Best of luck with everything. x


Thank you, yes my back is in pain & my arm & my worry is it has spread, my mind is in overdrive … & all I want is to be told I am not going to die, i have 2 beautuful girls & can’t bear thought will leave them
The aches I feel are currently sending me stupid.
I dont understand how I can be told I have invasive duct cancer … grade 2 , but still be waiting for receptors ….
This morning is a bad morning … mind in overdrive …
just pray it is early disgnosis & can be removed in its entirity … as everyone says the waiting is the worst part
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience too, its awful but glad good outcome for you xx
Thank you for yr reply xx

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The receptors will be whether you are ER/PR/HER + or -( oestrogen, progesterone or human epidermal growth factor receptor). I was told on May 15 2023 I had invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2 ER+ PR- but the HER2 status took 2 more weeks. I was HER2+ which meant chemotherapy and Herceptin, had it been negative it would have been lumpectomy and radiotherapy. Both with Letrozole due to be post menopausal. The receptors will determine your treatment plan.

My cancer was removed successfully with clear margins (non cancerous skin) at my surgery and then had adjuvant chemo and Herceptin, which is deemed preventative treatment. Although it didn’t feel like it as it continued for more than a year.

Try to do something nice today if you can, even if it’s a walk, listen to the birds, look at the sky/clouds, watch a movie, read a book, whatever you can do to feel good. I know it’s hard but once you have your treatment plan you will hopefully feel more in control.



@naughty_boob good morning,
Thank you for your reply … after a frantic call to BCN who still on festive holiday , had a call back to say ER PR POSITIVE
HER2 negative … so least been told receptors , had a sort of calm me down chat & felt better yesterday, but today am on a why me feff off mood … maybe coz see others prepping for NYE ??

Fell its ok to rant on here … & someone will tell me to give my head a wobble … & get a grip …
had pulsating in my arm during night & convinced myself that was the cancer in my lymph node telling me hello !!!
Gonna go a walk to clear my thoughts :crossed_fingers:

Well wishes to you all for 2025 … not the end of 2024 I expected nor start to 2025 … BUT onwards & upwards to us all
:kissing_heart::kissing_heart: xx

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I’m pleased you now have your results. It’s ok to rant on here, we all get it and are here for you.

Enjoy your walk. Best wishes for 2025.



Hi, I understand exactly. I got my diagnosis last Christmas. Mine was originally diagnosed as lower stage and could do a lumpectomy breast saving procedure in January. They got in there and found it was much larger. Ended up with mastectomy and stage 3c with 11 of 20 positive lymph nodes. That was a real scary kick in the teeth.
Have to stay positive, and just keep fighting! It is a journey but still optimistic, based on others journeys. Had chemo, radiation and now on hormone drug and Verzenio. The forum is helpful, nice to have others that relate. Trying to stay optimistic and positive is important as well; of course after the shock and sadness. Wish you all the best and reach out with any questions to the group.


I agree, my cancer tumor was under my nipple and went down5 cm, but it was hard to detect at the time how large it really was until they actually went in for lumpectomy, then to find out mastectomy and aggressive treatment for 3c, treating as stage 4. I didn’t blame doctor.


Hey Newbie :heart:I was where you are last June. It’s sounds very similar. I had 2 very small tumours picked up on mammogram. Turned out to be lobular caused by oestrogen. Had tumours removed and lost a nipple as one was very close tho they were tiny. Had 5 sessions of radiotherapy and now on letrozole for 5 years. Once they know what they are looking at focus on the prognosis, they can get rid of this type. It’s a journey but the process has been relatively quick. I’m now discharged and back at work. Try not to let your mind take you to dark places, focus on the science. Sending big hugs xx

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