TRAM flap: support for abdomen

Hello ladies

Has anyone had any experience of using or requiring an abdominal support garment post-TRAM flap?

I had a TRAM flap recon 2 weeks ago, which is healing well. The nurse suggested I wear ‘medium control’ knickers to support the abdominal scar, but I haven’t done so yet as I was a bit concerned about restricting the blood flow to the new breast. Has anyone got any recommendations or advice?

Also, I am not wearing a bra yet as they have recommended that at 3 weeks post-surgery. I have one very large normal breast (34GG) and the recon breast (34D) so I guess I will need a bra of some sprt - they have suggested a sports bra with no underwiring. Has anyone else had success with such a vast differential between the two breasts?

Thanks to anyone who can advise, these forums are an absolute godsend.


Hi Fever

Great to hear youve had a successful op and that you are starting to heal well.
I had mine on 29th June in Livingstone with a wonderful surgeon and Im pleased with the results too.
The nurses had me in a bra after a couple of days. I wore a firm non wired bra a size bigger than my biggest boob for support and Ive got 2 quite different sized breasts too!. I didnt experience any pain or problems but I think a bra which is a bit more ‘long-line’ would have been even more comfy.After this time, the blood supply should be quite well established-I worried too as my new boob is much cooler to the touch than the other, but its doing fine!
Im due to get some liposuction on the bigger boob early next year to better match them, as I dont want to bother with an uplift.

As for the pants-they recommended light control pants-I got great ones from tesco which are higher in the waist to leave your scar free. And to be honest, if they are TOO firm, it can hurt your tummy just trying to get them up!!

Best of luck with future healing-and dont forget your exercises!!!

Cathie xx

Thanks Cathie, that’s really helpful. I’ll order my bra and knickers online right now! It’s good to hear such a positive message. I am still quite sore round the tummy (it feels tight) but it’s the flattest tummy I’ve ever had, so that’s something!

Hi bosom pals,

I am awaiting a Tram flap in Jan, but currently have 2 different size breasts, following operations . Right side is 36FF left don’t know, but smaller than original having had cancer cut away. So took myself off to M and S , really good selection , bought soft bras in usual size. Helpfully served by lovely lady 10 years post double mastectomy !

Am wondering what size I will be after reconstrucion but will still have 2 different sized boobs until other side can be reduced. So I too am looking for the best way forward, if not the most flattering!
Liposuction sounds like an option to consider for later on thanks.


Hello ladies

4I am wearing an M&S mastectomy support bra (no wire) that fits the size of my ‘normal’ breast (34G) with a soft prosthesis (the sort you are given directly after mx) to fill out the other side. This looks absolutely fine with clothes on.

Hi I had a bilateral tram flap 13 weeks ago wearing the support pants really help keep everything in place as for up top I am still wearing sports bras as they are compy you hear lots of horror stories but I feel great best I have felt for a while