TRAM reconstruction

I will be extremely grateful to receive answers to some of my questions re TRAM reconstruction. Is this true that after TRAM reconstruction abdomen becomes weak and it is not advisable to excercise? Will there be dents, lumps or bumps on the tummy where the surgeon will take muscle/skin/fat?

Hi Caramelka

Welcome to the forums. I am sure many of the informed users of this site will be along shortly to answer your questions and support you.

I have posted below for you the link to BCC’s free publication on Reconstruction, it may be of help to you. You may also find it helpful to speak in confidence to our helpline staff who will be able to discuss in detail with you about reconstruction and what it entails. The number is freefone 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm. Hope this is of some help to you.

The link is as follows:

Kind regards,
Louise, Moderator
Breast Cancer Care

i had bilateral tram recon my tummy is flat and as for weakness since my surgery in january this year i have not found any problems only that i cant do situps . no lumps or bumps

I had a tram reconstruction 2 weeks ago, and was advised that sit ups are out, but I don’t think I have done them for years anyway! Apart from that, I have been told to be cautious about avoiding heavy weights. No lumps or bumps are visible so far…

Hi Ladies,

I had my Tram flap done 4wks ago now and all seems to be fine, but today I did notice some rather unexplained squelchy bits underneath my bustline and it is though it’s trying to escape back to my stomach! I’m not any medical expert by far but what do they use to keep the fat in place? I was getting a little concerned, the boob is a fantastic job and looks great but just wondered is this normal??

Lorri 1

squelchy bits could be fluid build up which happens often after surgery - but maybe ask a nurse or a doctor


Thanks Mole, never thought of that, just started a new thread as put my comments in wrong place but thankyou anyway will get it checked out.