I have been looking on this web site for at least 4 years now and had some wonderful advice about allsorts of things. It got me through mastectomy, chemotheraoy(Tango trial) and radiotherapy. I was diagnosed in May 2003 so just coming up to 5 years. I am going in for a free tram reconstruction next sunday and would welcome some advice about what to take in and what to wear and also how much pain i will be in when i come round from the op. Wasnt sure wether pyjamas would be suitable with having wound on tummy and drains. If anyone has just gone through this any ideas would be appreciated good or bad . I like to be prepared even for the worst.
Hello Whiteowl, I had a pedicle tram 3 months ago, for risk reduction reasons. I wore the hospital gown for the first few days as there were 7 drains attached to me! I then wore my own PJs which were front fastening. As for pain, I had the patient control thing for a couple of days and was then offered a cocktail of things. It wasn’t pain so much as discomfort, particularly in the abdomen area.It was well managed though.The hospital was really hot, and I took a shawl type thing with me to put round my shoulders, and wore mostly vesty tops. The surgeon told me to get a ‘panty girdle’ but I sorted this out after discharge. I also found I needed a bra in bed and day time too.(after the first few days). I had a soft one as I could not tolerate anything too well fitted, lots of swelling and bruising etc.
Good luck with your op, ask away if you have any other questions I can help with…
Hi Juiro
I have just written a reply and not sure whether it was posted or not so i m sorry if this appears twice . Cant remember what i wrote now so just a thank you for replying . Hope you are well 3 months on are you feeling back to normal. Were you able to go back to work after 6 weeks as they say or did it take longer.Only 24 hours before i go to hospital so better get packing.By the time i post again it should be over and done with.
Good luck Whiteowl, I am beginning to feel a ot more like my old self now, and have for the past month or so. I am still off sick from work, mainly due to tiredness and some discomfort in the abdomen area. I could not imagine returning to work after 6 weeks, the reconstruction nurse at my hospital said that I should consider at least 3 months, most likely longer, but I guess it depends on your line of work…
Now 3 weeks post op my ps was gong to do diep but ended up having muscle sparing tram very pleased with results so far. Still some discomfort in stmach area and after eating. I am trying to cut down on the painkillers but not sure if too early. Mornings are fine but seems to get swollen as day goes on.Unfortunatley i came down with a cold a week after coming out of hospital so the sneezing and coughing wasnt very pleasant but now over it. Could anyone tell me how soon after coming out they next saw their ps for follow up has i dont have an appointment as yet.Am feeling a bit abandond. Also seems to be a lot of bruising coming out now is this normal. I need to find some comfy bras as old ones seem a bit tight was 38D but match at present is very good also cant fit into any of my trousers so slopping about in jogpants at present till tummy goes down. Thank you for advice about bras its a good job i had taken some in with me because when i had preassessment and asked about this was told not necessary but ps wanted me to wear one after day 2so luckily had some with me. Have found that advice not as good as when i had mastectomy 5 years ago information about aftercare of wounds and excersices not as good . Maybe due to having at different hospital as local one doesnt do reconstructions dont know if anyone else has found this. I was only given a sick note for 4 weeks at the hospital dosnt seem very long dont feel i could go back next week??.
Hi whiteowl
I had mastectomy and immediate DIEP recon four weeks ago. Had 11 days in hospital as drains were filling too much to come out earlier. I wore a stretchy crop-top bra in hospital, once I was down to one drain, but when the dressings came off I needed more support and my breast care nurse told me to wear a high-impact sports bra day and night for three months - I like the Shock Absorber range, did get some very cheap ones from Asda but the seams rub. Need a chest size bigger than normal, but your usual cup size. I also have to wear a firm control corset 24/7 for three months too. I hate it but it does protect the tummy scar from my jeans! I am wearing jeans one size bigger than usual and they are really too loose, but my normal ones are still too tight. I can manage most loose t-shirts and sweaters now. I was told no driving for 6 weeks and off work at least 4 months, though as I’m now waiting for chemo it will be longer. Four weeks sounds far too soon to go back to work. Do you have a contact number for a breast care nurse? Good luck, Lyn xxx
PS I’ve just sneezed and whilst I felt my tummy tighten, it actually didn’t hurt - first time since the op that a sneeze or cough hasn’t made me gasp in pain! Also I’ve stopped taking painkillers on a regular basis during this week, I’d been taking one at night but now only have one if I really want it, not routinely. Lxx
Hello Whiteowl, glad your op has gone well and you are pleased with the results. I was really bruised and the bruising came out for a good few weeks afterwards, and my boob area was really swollen too for a good few weeks.
I would have thought 4 weeks is too short a time to return to work, I was told 3 months, likely to be longer (Ihad a double mastectomy and immediate reconstruction). 4 months on I am still off work, though much much better, mainly the abdomen gives me some discomfort, and I still take paracetemol though not nearly as often as I did.
I had to see the ps after a couple of weeks after discharge as I had an infection in one of the reconstructed breasts. I saw him a couple of times until the infection went, and then he said that he would see me in 4 months to discuss the nipples, I had a sense of shock then too, that seemed such a long time. I knew that I could always ring his secretary, and the plastic (reconstruction) nurse was v helpful too.
Remember you are only 3 weeks on, and that is a very short time in the scheme of things, so take it easy!