Travel and jabs

Travel and jabs

Travel and jabs We are planning a lovely holiday in December. I am trying to avoid countries where you need jabs before you travel as I don’t at all feel comfortable with that after finishing chemo.

Has anybody had jabs soon after chemo (2 months)? Do you know if you can have them? Has anybody travelled to countries where you need them but not had them? What are your thoughts/experiences?

I want to go exotic but feel nervous. Not seeing onc until end Oct.


Holiday jabs Hi Sonya

I traveled 2 months after finishing treatment but was advised to stay away from any countries that I would need injections before travel by my onc. He said that my system may not be strong enough to take them.

I too was nervous and decided to fly to mainland Spain on my first time out. I was also nervous about being bit by insects on my arm which had lymph nodes removed. Had a smashing holiday in Spain and gave me confidence to go further afield 3 months later. I then went to greece and just bought bug plugs for the room and a bottle of inject repelant from boots with DEET in a silver bottle and it worked No bites at all.

Where ever you decide to go relax and enjoy yourself you deserve it.


I finished my chemo in august, I still have herceptin to get but have booked a holiday in Madeira in november so it will still be warm and I have had time to get some energy back. I had nt even thought about insect bites, anyone know if I should be worried, I also had my lymphnodes removed.

Hi Louise Hi

Sorry If I made you worried about insect bites, I was advised by my onc to be extra careful with my arm in case I was bitten and reacted to it and then getting an infection. So to be on the safe side took precautions.
