First of all apologies if I am n the wrong thread.
After getting bored trawling through the internet looking for travel insurance I have turned to your good selves in the hope someone can help. I was diagnosed 8th December and had masectomy on 19th, although I don’t know yet as to whether the cancer has spread ( I will find out 12th Jan) I do know I will have to have chemo. My family and I are going away to Barbados in August (already booked, long before I found out about my bc) I am having trouble getting a decent quote on travel insurance, the last site I went on quoted me 841.56, please tell me this is not normal and that I have accidently pressed wrong buttons. Can anyone please suggest some for me.
It is quite difficult to get insurance at a reasonable rate so soon after surgery etc. However once you are over any treatment eg chemo it may improve. Going transatlantic also tends to be more expensive. However, try miaonline (type in dot co dot uk as well) and they may be able to help. They are very reasonable in Europe as they top up the E111 card however I think the UK also have a reciprical (sp?) arrangement with Barbados so the insurance may be less than you’ve been quoted.
Good luck with your recovery and hope there’s no spread when you see your onc next week.
You are probably better waiting until your chemo has finished before you take out a policy - I was quoted very big money almost £1k in april after diag but before treatment was finished an i have now been quoted £89 for a two week trip to USA with all bc related stuff covered. Even if you took a policy now it is doubtful that they would refund money in the event of cancellation so you really don’t need until you go so you may as well wait. I went wit Miaonline but another thread regarding Travel Insurance to the USA will give you a few more companies. Something I have noticed is that all the companies recommend getting a course of antibiotics and anitbiotic cream to take with you just in case. Also try to avoid handling cash (it is really filthy!).
Anyway hope it helps
I got my insurance through miaonline…£34 for a trip to Holland, the next cheapest quote i had was £70, and then they told me they wouldn’t cover me, as i was having chemo.mia said that was ok and the fact that i will have a hickman line in place when i travel too.Pretty good i think!
Hi travel insurance for Jamaica aged 61 having breast cancer / pulmonary embolus (due to Tamoxifen)had just radiotherapy (on warfarin for 6 months)now just taking Letrozole did they want to insure me no but thanks to these forums I found It’s so Easy and spoke to Katie very helpful able to insure me + my 31 year old daughter (no health probs)for £123.65 for 9 nights others wanted a lot more money…so looking forward to holiday in April with I hope no probs will update when I have had the holiday
I am amazed at all the publicity for INSUREPINK. I had a lumpectomy Oct 2007 and completed radiotherapy Dec 2007. My cancer had not travelled from the breast & I am now on Arimadex. Apart from this experience I was, and now am in good health. For a 10 day trip to the USA InsurePink has quoted me £161for a single trip(they don’t do an annual insurance). From the brokers INSURANCE CHOICE I have 2 quotes for a years’ insurance:
£69 for cover, excluding breast cancer
£96 for cover including breast cancer
I tried Pink & although my chemo etc was over a year ago & I’m, now only on Tamoxifen I had recon in Oct & need an op next week to remove a sac on my recon scar (I go to US in a month!!!) PINK wouldn’t insure me. So much for helping women with breast cancer - rant over, off to put the kettle on…
try travel insurance direct, i found them on a random search after not having much luck with pink and the others and they were really good. they covered me for a snowboarding trip to europe with breast cancer covered for 50quid. for normal trips without extreme sports im sure itd be much cheaper, but even so compared to some other companies 50quid was comparatively cheap.
best company ive found so far!
I am too hoping to go to the US later this year. I am very interested in your situation.
Please post on here if you can recommend a suitable insurance company.
Many thanks
Insurepink wouldn’t cover my breast cancer for a trip to the Caribbean 5 months after my treatment had finished. Went without that bit covered in the end.