Travel Insurance

Hi all

We are travelling to Portugal this July and I have been looking at quotes for travel insurance. Some of these are ridiculous !! I know Ive got cancer but Im not on my last legs !!
Anyone know of any reasonable companies that cover the likes of us??

Hi I got my travel Insurance just like anyone else fom direct Line, but they would not cover any preexisting cover i.e Cancer but covered for erverything else!!!


I get mine from Tesco and they only charge me an extra £50 to cover bc. I am on tamoxifen and zoladex, finished rads 6mths ago. Maybe different if you are still on chemo.

There are a number of threads regarding travel insurance - if Portugal come under the old e11 form then you may be comfortable getting cover for everything else. Alternatively I got cover from Miaonline at a very reasonable rate eventhough I have not long finished my treatment


Thanks all, I shall check these out

Take care xx

Have you tried InsurePink? The travel insurance has been designed for breast cancer sufferers as a result of consultation with breast cancer charities so you may find it covers you for BC anyway.

I’m also sure there has been a thread on these forums for travel insurance for BC sufferers before so might be an idea to type in a search for it.

Hi supersams16

As well as the information you are receiving from the other users you may find it useful to have a look at the BCC fact sheet on travel insurance. You can find this by going to the following link:-

Hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards

Sam (BCC Facilitator)