Travel insurance

I have been told that Aberdeen Insurance is a good one to call for holiday insurance, I have the number but I was wondering if they have a website. Does anybody know thanks

Hi Slippy

They do it is but it is easier to ring them Tel No is 01472826672. You normally speak to one person and they do not go into long questions. My OH and I are insured to travel to Australia for 4 months with no increase in the premium. They issued our insurance last May and I only finished rads 2 weeks ago and this was not an issue with them
Good luck and enjoy your holiday.

Hi - I phoned it was easy the woman I spoke to was great, no horrible prying questions. I have been insured to go to New York in March 2008, My premium was only £5.00 more than my daughters who is 25 and in good health. I am still having chemotherapy. The only provisio was that if i cancel for a reason directly related to my BC my contribution towards the bills was £500 otherwise everything else is as for standard Travel Insurance, all the documents arrived in 2 working days. I thought this was OK as my treatment is going well and March is 4 months post rads so can’t see the BC being an issue. Anyway I told my Daughter and niece I am going even if they have to carry me on a stretcher - it is the first big holiday I’ve had in over 7years.

Happy hols love Swanie

Just phoned them and the lady was lovely and friendly, as soon as I told her I had heard about them fromm a website she new I’d had breast cancer. As you say no invasive questions. Got annual cover for £65 for me and my partner ( hoping to get a few holidays after the last 18 months) Just said that if I was treated for anything breast cancer related the excess would go up to £500. Anything else just normal. Anyway I’m off to Cyprus in 2 weeks and can’t wait.

Thanks for you help

Hello Ladies,
I am off on Holiday on Friday - Tenerife with my daughter 12yrs on our own. Very nervous but excited.
I enquired on this site with regard to Insurance and was given FREEDOM INSURANCE based in Cambridge.
They are actually covering me for my Breast Cancer and it cost £90.00 for the two of us so I thought it was brilliant. Although there is a £200.00 excess. I am still glad I am covered in case of repatriation!!!
Give them a call and ask for a quote. I found them very friendly and helpful.
