Can anybody recommeńd travel insurance company. Planning on going to Florida in October. I had breast cancer diagnosed and lump removed in January . Having chemotherapy at the moment last one on 17 May. After that having 15 sessions of radiotherapy which should all be finished by the end of July. Should I wait until end of July before trying to get insurance ?
You may like to try Nationwide Flex Plus - I managed to get worldwide multi-trip from them when my previous company would only cover Europe. May not be the cheapest but I would rather go with a well-known company. I’ve read that it is better to get insurance as soon as you book in order to cover possible cancellation costs should it become necessary. Wishing you luck.
Hi Rosech
I use a company called Staysure ever since my husband had an Aortic Aneurysm 4 years ago they were the only ones that would insure him, can be quite expensive but so worth getting, following my diagnosis and treatment I have just insured myself for a trip in Oct, they always been very helpful. When I rang them I was still having Radiotherapy and was advised to call back when treatment was over as it effects the cover and cost, but if you have already booked you won’t be covered re cancellation until you take out the insurance
Good Luck
Try I put in what I was looking for that I recently finished chemo and just had an operation and they found the perfect insurance at just £10.00 per person. They filter through all the companies that fits the bill