Treatment in salisbury/wiltshire

Hi, my moms been diagnosed with secondart breast cancer in her sternum and left lung, 14 years after the first time. we have only just moved here so any info or experience of salisbury hospital would be great. Scary anyway and just dont know what to expect from a new hospital x

Hi Mrstimps, 

I am sorry you and your mother are going through this difficult time. I am sure some of our users will be along to offer their support soon. 

In the meantime please do call ourhelpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to answer any questions you may have and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below.

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Monday and Wednesday 5pm-7pm,
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Best wishes, 


Hello Mrstimps.  I have no experience of secondary breast cancer, but was treated last year for IDC at Salisbury.  The 2 female breast surgeons there are brilliant, didn’t have too much to do with BCN. Follow up care with Macmillan is also excellent.  Salisbury is not considered a large hospital, so radiotherapy is done at Southampton as are other things.  Also my mother in law is in Salisbury Hosp at the moment, with bowel cancer complications.  Cannot speak highly enough of her surgeons and all the staff on her ward, marvellous people.  There is also a local self-help support group which meets every month in Salisbury and even a cancer choir.  I could give you details if you want.  Do hope you find the hospital to be as helpful as I have.  Good wishes to your Mum and let me know if I can do anything to help.  Christine xxx

Hi Christine, thanks for the info its reassuring that someones had a good experience there. It worries me a bit thats its a small hospital but good that they work with other hospitals, just got to wait for an oncologist appointment now x