Treatment stopped

This week I had an appointment to discuss my last CT scan. I was diagnosed Primary in 2006 and Secondary 2018. I was told the Epirubicin isn’t working on the tumour on my liver. As this was the only area mention I assume it is working on the lungs and bones. I was told they don’t think it’s worth continuing with the treatment and basically there isn’t anything else available. I was told if anything new become available they’ll let me know but in the meantime no Consultant and no CT Scans. I feel as if I’ve been cut adrift. I don’t feel that ill just a little short of breath. Even my Consultant said I was looking a lot better than she expected.
I don’t really know what I’m asking I just needed to get this off my chest. I’m 63 I’m not ready to die I didn’t ask how long I’ve got I don’t want to know. I’ve always thought it’s important to be positive but now I’m just confused.


Could you ask for a second opinion so at least you know if there other options you could be considering and maybe talk things through more to help you understand the decision ? It’s not surprising you feel cut adrift it seems like they are offering you nothing at all . You could maybe ring the breast cancer now nurses helpline too to talk this through they are so kind and knowledgeable . Sorry you are going through this . Jill x
0808 800 6000


Dear Margaret,

So sorry to read your post, I can’t believe in this day and age you could be in this position as they can offer so much, I totally agree with Jill, please get a second opinion.

Also call your team at let them know how you are feeling, the breast cancer nurses on this site are extremely caring, feel sure they will help, support and point you in the right direction.

Wishing you well going forward with the biggest hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:


I’m sorry you are having a rough time and agree with the others. It seems premature to be saying there are no other treatments. Look at getting a second opinion. Best wishes x


:heart: have you been in touch with metupuk do please reach out to them they are a wealth of knowledge and could help :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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