Treatment through Christmas week

Hi! I am new to this forum so please do reply someone somewhere! My radiotherapy continues through Christmas week. I am a bit concerned about all the breaks to treatment in addition to the weekend breaks and wondering whether this is a problem or something I should not worry about. On the one hand, it’s really nice having days off treatment, but only if it’s safe. Some people are given extra treatments on Saturdays to make up for the bank holidays, but maybe breaks are good to allow the body to recover? I am also wondering how tired I will feel at Christmas! 

hi NarniaGirl


Welcome to the Forum although I am sorry that you find yourself on here, and I wish you lots of luck with your treatment.

I, too, am having radiotherapy during the Christmas period, and I have been reassured that the breaks will make no difference to the effectiveness of the treatment. Ladybowler, who is a frequent contributor, will reassure you too, I am sure, as she experienced this one Christmas too.

 I have read that to counteract fatigue we should aim to drink two litres of water a day, and I am going to try to do a daily walk, as exercise is also supposed to be effective against fatigue.

I start my radiotherapy on Tuesday. 


WIth best wishes





i started radiotherapy last Wednesday and I will also be having treatment over Christmas/New Year. A total of 20sessions.

Im not having treatment on Xmas day or Boxing Day but I am on Xmas eve.

i also have a couple of Saturdays thrown in as well -so the Saturday between Xmas and new year and then the Saturday after new year.


Im sure your team have worked out the best plan for you x



I had radiotherapy in 2016 over the Christmas period, I too like you was concerned because it meant that I would go 4 days without as there was the weekend and then Xmas Day/Boxing Day, then the following weekend plus New Years Day.  I told my team that I was worried about the length of the gap however they assured me that there was nothing to worry about.  I had 20 sessions which I started on 20 December and it meant that I didnt finish until 19 January.


Helena xx

My radiotherapy started mid December last year so I had breaks for both Christmas and New Year. Treatment wise I was told it wasn’t a problem and frankly, it was nice to have a break from visiting the hospital every day! 

Yes, I’ve had my first weekend break and it’s been really enjoyable simply not going to hospital!

I start properly tomorrow and will have Christmas Day and New Years Day off so added at the end of the treatment. That means that I have no week with more than 4 days’ treatment (today is a dry run) which I feel can only be a good thing.


Good luck to all,or, as we say here “Bon courage!”.

All the best to you too Kathyx! I have had 4 treatments so far and it’s all been fine with lots of mincepies and choccies in the dept!