
I saw the oncology and i will be start FEC-T chemotherapy.

oh tgats gd at least u know what y on do yoy know what type of cancer it is and when u start


I have (Invasive ductal carcinoma) i am so up set, i know i keep saying its alful. yes oh! as be a fast one. Just waiting to start

I’ve just finished fec-t Rose, and it’s not too bad. Do-able is the word. You’ll get lots of help and support from oncy and you needent feel alone. x


Hi Rose

I am a year past treatment and I am doing great. I also had IDC and had 6 FEC and 20 Rads plus 2 Booster Rads.

I know you must feel as if it’s the end of the world just now but honestly you will get through it. The chemo is doable I am not going to say it is always easy but you will get there. Take all the help and support you can from family and friends, and this site is terrific for help from the other ladies when you need it.

If there is anything I can help you with please let me know or PM me.

Love Anne xx

Hi Rose

I’ve just seen this thread. I’ve just finished FEC-T chemotherapy.

While it wasn’t very nice, the side effects I had haven’t been too bad and I kept working almost normally for two weeks out of every three.

I hope yours goes as well.

You will be fine … I am doing EC … done 4, 2 to do … SE’s not been too bad… assume the chemo week is your worst and don’t plan anything for it … then weeks 2 & 3 are ok. I’ve even been going to the gym on those weeks - ok not doing what I used to but even so, a 5k walk every other day has kept me sane. When you feel tired just listen to your body and rest. I’ve had a portacath fitted now and wish I’d had it from the start as the veins in my arm are kaput! I also now have the Neulasta jab to keep my neutrophils up… if they get too low they wont give you the chemo … also low blood count means low immune system and more prone to infection… so the jab wards all this off. Good luck x

Ec not too bad for me at all, doable. Tax made me miserable as sin, SEs in abundance but one of th unfortunate ones! 2 out of 3 weeks bad for me, week 3 had just tiredness and that’s ok, anything not painful is niggling. Everyone is different but all wAnt to kill this cancer so any suffering has to be put in context, it’s just hard at the time. Most are managed well x