
Started Epimbicin/Clyclophosphamide treatment on 10.10.13.

Would appreciate some  feedback from anyone else on thisss please


Many thanks


Hello Redmouse


I am having neo adjuvant chemo and had 3 EC cycles. Is there anything specific you need to know?  the main side effect that I was finding difficult to tolerate was nausea,  it usually lasted about 10 days. Didn’t feel like to have solid food, and since it was summer I lived on melons, watermelons,  and homemade smoothies.  I went off tea and milk. My tastebuds changed quite a bit too.  Make the most of your good days and eat nutritious food to make up for bad days. Monthly threads on this forum can be very helpful for support and knowledge sharing.


Happy to answer any specific questions you may have.


All the best,

Mahsa x