Triple negative and no chemo

Been to see the oncologist today have had 18mm triple negative no lymph involvement removed with clear margins and he said that it would not be of any benifit to have chemo (I have had it previously three years ago for the other breast). and he would arrange for three weeks radiotherapy.


I said to him that I was seeing another oncologist next week from the ame department and I asked him what it would be for he said that he would be retiring and she would be discussing chemotherapy with me.


Came out more confused that when I went in.


Anyone help

Hello Kellc

Maybe you could call our free helpline and talk through your concerns with one of the staff who are there to support you.  The number is 0808 800 6000 and lines open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturday.

Best wishes

June, moderator

Hi Kelic, I too have triple neg and got to know anothjer lady who had triple neg in one breast and had chemo. 18 months later she developed it in the other breast (no node involvement)  and had chemo again, but a different sort.

I think its good you r seeing another oncologist and to push for the best possible treatment

Let me know how you get on

Sue x

I was told I’m triple negative, grade 3, 4mm and because of the small size of it I’ve been told I won’t be having chemo, just radiotherapy. I have to admit I’m worried about this.