Triple Negative and Stage IV

Hello all you TNBC people. I have had a look at existing threads but can’t seem to find anyone in my situation. I had a stage IV diagnosis a month ago but have only just confirmed with my oncologist that I am also triple negative. I think I might have been told this before but it has taken some time for the significance to dawn on me. Anyone else out there who can swap notes with me? It is new path for me so any advice gratefully received. Happy to have PMs if that suits better.
Jo x

Hello there - I don’t have the same diagnosis as you but am just bumping up your thread - its easy to get overlooked in this fabulous but busy forum.
bw to you, Nicola

me neither but someone should be along soon.

Hi jo
really sorry to hear of your recent secondary diagnosis- I think it’s all the more scary if you’re triple negative like we are. I’m also stage 4- was initally diagnosed 12months ago but had a recurrence within weeks of completing chemo. I’m only 33 with a 21 month old son so it’s been a hell of a year quite literally.
I’ve just started chemo as my latest scan has shown progression in tge lymph nodes by collarbone. I’m on carboplatin + praying for a miracle.
There is a thread on the ‘living with secondary bc’ section called triple neg secondaries/ recurrences but there isn’t much activity on there at the mo. Pop over though + introduce yourself + you will be made very welcome. Obviously pm me any time too if you want to.
All the best
tina xx

Thanks to Nicola and Hatty for bumping up help!

Tina, thanks for your post. I’ll pm you, and also have a look at the thread you mentioned. Thought it would be good to keep this going too though, as there may be people using this route rather than the secondaries one.

So sorry that you have had such a tough year. Let’s hope the meds have a good effect for you now. How are the side effects from Carboplatin? They sound much the same as other chemo meds. I have the collar bone lymph mets too. Seems to be a common spot as the radiographer was searching for them when I first went for ultrasound.


Jo x