Triple negative bone secondary - what treatments are there?

I have just found out that it is likely I have a secondary cancer in my sternum. My first breast cancer in 2011 was triple negative so they assume this will be too. My doctor keeps being positive about treatments yet when I mention triple negative she backtracks and says things like ‘that is more difficult to treat’.

I’ve read that average survival is only 9 months which has totally terrified me as I have two small children. Could anyone advise me about what treatments there are for triple negative bone secondaries? And is that 9 months thing really true? Really really scared.

Thank you x

Dear onsen,

I am so sorry to read that you are feeling so scared.  The forums are really quiet at the moment but I’m sure other members will soon come along to offer you some support. 

You could also talk things over with one of our Helpliners when they open again on Monday morning.  (Opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays)  They will be able to offer you practical information and emotional support.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Thank you Janet.

Hi onsen, I have just sent you a pm. Xx

Hi roxy - thank you but I haven’t received it, not sure why.

Hi macie, thanks so much for your reply. Your situation sounds similar to mine in that there is something next to the sternum issue - they are calling it an inflammation and said it was unusual for it to be next to a bone secondary but that sounds like what you have got? Have you already had chemo for the secondary or only radiotherapy?

It’s encouraging to hear about people who have lived for tsars with TN secondaries. How are you felting about it all? Have you managed to get over the “I’m going to die next month” feeling?

Thanks again for your reply x