Triple negative breast cancer forumThank you for replying Gerry22, my tumour has visibly increased in size, I'm desperate to start treatment. Have you had any bad side effects so far with your treatment xx

Hi @diamonddapple :hugs: sorry to hear you’ve had such a tricky time with your 7th cycle. Sounds tough :worried:
I’ve been doing well thanks. Hiding lots and wearing a face-mask. Resting for 10 days after each EC then feeling better. Think feeling tired and ill is just the norm now.
I had my last EC last Friday.
My hair is growing back.
I bought a home exercise bike to do gentle exercise weeks 2/3. Also been going to slimming world (i was a target member when I got diagnosed). I’ve lost 7.5 lbs in 4 weeks. Had put on a stone. Feeling more like me already. I worked out I felt rubbish if I ate unhealthy foods and rubbish if I eat healthy - so I might as well look after myself.
My surgery for lumpectomy and removal of some lymph nodes is due for 10th Sept. Got to avoid Covid now or it won’t go ahead. High risk of blood clots/ bleeding if I do :grimacing:

@cf640 tough you’re not able to be at home.

We’re nearly there :muscle: it’s a tough journey. But we can do it xx

Really sorry to hear Diamonddapple and Anna that you both have had such struggles on EC, hopefully things improve going forwards :crossed_fingers:
I wanted to share a positive update that may help people to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Following mastectomy in May I recovered well aside from a wound infection that was successfully treated with antibiotics. My scar is looking so much better and will continue to improve over the next couple of months I’m sure. I have fully adjusted to my monoboob status and have decided against reconstruction. I completed my 5 days of radiotherapy two weeks ago. I found the radiotherapy to be the easiest part of this journey, no pain and no side effects to date. I was very apprehensive on my first appointment but it went very well indeed. I have had 1 of 5 stand alone Pembrolizumab (every 6 weeks) so due to finish early January. My hair is growing back thick and dark (was fair/blond) so much so that I have already had a hair cut! My energy levels are fully back and I feel so well in myself! Keep going ladies, we DO return to ourselves or even a better version of our selves knowing what we have achieved. Love and virtual healing hugs to you all xx


Great news @gerry2! That’s amazing about your hair. Mine was speckled black with grey. Do you think I might go blond??
Clare x

Morning everyone
@lillytiger so pleased you were able to complete all your EC chemos, and that you are now finished and have a date for surgery.
@gerry22 thank you for your positive insight going forward and really pleased you are feeling so well.
@cf640 hopefully you are back in your home now with stability in that respect at least.
How is everyone else doing?
I have a date for my mastectomy and node rem9val of 3rd September so Im carrying on wraring my mask and using anti bac all the time. I have my nephew’s wedding on 15th September so Im really looking forward to a bit of normality.
Unfortunately I was back in hospital last weekend with an erratic heartbeat. Lots of various tests. I have anaemia and inflammation in my lungs but since being on the iron tablets things are settling down, thank goodness.
Sending love to everyone xx

Hi all

@lillytiger wow its amazing that you finished round 4, well done and you get a nice break before surgery.

@cf640 i hope you are home and feeling better!

@diamonddapple i hope you are continuing to feel better everyday, isnt it good to be done to be done with ec. I have had some lung issues that have had me in a and e too, i am slowly getting better with antibiotics but its a bit cyclic, the gerd is causing white frothy sputum which causes coughing, irritates asthma and i still cant shake it. I am hoping that now its just pembro that the gerd stops and i can stop the acid blockers and get back to normal. Everyday i get further from last ec means i feel a little better.

@gerry22 thank you for your positive post.
wow its sound like you have healed well. Thank you. One thing to note is that i accidentally burned/blistered my skin under my arm with a hot water bottle that wasnt particularly hot. My consultant said that any prolonged contact would cause a problem and wouldnt need to be hot, only warm.

i too have stopped at 3 ec doses. I was too ill to continue and my oncologist said some studies recommend 3 and some 4. As i was chemo resistant to paclitaxel and carboplatin we also do not have anyway of knowing if ec chemo works for me. I am very happy to be done, the vomiting fatigue and brain fog after round 3 had me not knowing which way was up. I am 4 weeks passed and starting to feel like myself again and am now able to walk round the block, although i then need a nap!
I have 15 days of radiotheraphy starting early september and 10 more doses of pembro. There is light at the end of this tunnel ladies and it is looking better everyday!

I wish everyone well with their next steps. Big hugs Anna xx

Hi all and thank you @anna_x51.
Im back in hospital after my 7th infusion of paclitaxel and carboplatin. I’m not sure how this is going to improve given the same thing happened last week…
They are saying it is more liky to bee an infection of aome sort but tnobody has any answers yet.
Im teying not to think too far ahead.
I hope you are all doing well and Anna, its great to think of you striding around the block.
Clare xx

Hi all
I hope everyone is doing well and getting through it.
@diamonddapple i hope the surgery went well and recovery is going great!
I am 9 out 15 or radiotherapy done. Its starting to get tiring now!
I wish you all the very very best. Big hugs Anna x

Hi @anna_x51 glad you are getting through your radiotherapy and hopefully the tiredness will abate once you have finished.
I am now 2 weeks post mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. Im doing well apart from seroma which is very strange as it looks like my breast has grown again. I didnt need much pain relief after my op, just paracetamol for a couple of days. Im getting on fine with the allocated post mastectomy exercises. Just waiting for results from surgery then once its all healed I will have radiotherapy 5 days a week for 3 weeks then more Pembro.
I had my nephew’s wedding on Sunday, it was l9vely to go out somewhere for the first time since I was diagnosed 9 months ago. It was such a lovely day.
How is everyone else doing.
@lilytiger hope your surgery was ok and you are recovering well.
@cf640 how are you doing on your treatment ad I know you had been hospitalised a few times.
Love and hugs to you all xxx

Hi @diamonddapple
I have been in hospital after my last three paclitaxel/carbo infusions and finally called it quits and asked for a new oncologist.
Which means I’m floating along waiting another week to start treatment, I think. I’m meeting with the new oncologist next Wednesday. My vision is still bad so the opthalmologist said no more chemo just yet. I’m seeing them next week too by which time i hope to be able to see and drive and be ready to start EC.
It’s making me worry that I’m not getting the optimal treatment but I’ll ask the oncologist when i see her. I didn’t think it would be this messy…i feel I’m being short changed.
Im glad you’re not in pain- that’s great news and very encouraging. I’m due to have a mascetomy and node clearance some time early 2025. Are you having reconstruction?