Triple negative..concerned

Not sure what to think of it all, had Invasive Ductal,grade 3, 43mm when cut out, no lymph nodes affected, Lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed 3 weeks ago.Just been to see the oncologist for the first time,and told I was triple negative (which was new to me) so I get chemo and rads only, a bit daunting as I am now thinking, what if,I am probably seeing too much into it but you can’t help it can you. Carole

Hey Carole

I’m 35 & had 4.5cm tumour 17/30 nodes infected & am also Triple Neg. To be honest I completely freaked out when I was told that I was Triple Negative…made the mistake to google it!!..if you haven’t then don’t!!

I’m having 4x FEC & then 4 x TAX followed by 6 weeks rads. It is daunting knowing that there’s no ‘back up plan’ for us, but with the speed at which things are developing in terms of BC treatment I’m hoping that they come up with something soon!

I’ve spoken to a few women on here (most of them younger) who are also Triple Negative & they’ve helped me along! You have no lymph nodes affected, which is great…again I freaked out at the amount of mine that were! It’s all very much a wait & see for everyone with BC no matter what type you have. Try not to focus too much on what yours is & just focus on the treatment plan and take one step at a time!

Good Luck!

Hazel x

Hi Hazel
Thanks for replying, I’m 50 and apparently triple negative is more common in younger women, always new I was young for my age lol, yes I have googled it and yes daunting but I need to have info its the only way I can cope sounds silly but curiosity gets the better of me.
As you’ve mentioned they come up with new things all the time so there is hope for us all yet.
Hope you are feeling ok, when do you start your chemo? and good luck to you too Carole xx

Hi, my tumour is also negative for hormones, but as someone pointed out to me, at least that means it isnt being fed by the hormones in our bodies.
take care

I’m triple neg, I was scared too about this but then I figured that it’s being fed by something else in our bodies (if not hormones), it’s just the doctors don’t know what. All the more reason for making lifestyle changes therefore, diet, stress, exercise etc. Someone did tell me there was research done that proved exercise was extra beneficial to triple negs - sorry I can’t be more specific, but it certainly can’t do any harm to get fit!

Hi, i have bought a couple of books on fighting cancer with food, only got them today but they look worth a read. As for exercise, i think its always good to do, although half way through chemo and can honestly say i dont have the energyat the beginning of a cycle and cant be bothered at this end of a cycle. Prior to being diagnosed i cycled every day to work, i also use to enjoy running, swimming and martial arts. I was hoping to keep up with swimming but picc line in so cant. I am looking forward to doing it all again though.
take care

Re books, I keep posting this on threads all over the place, but it’s just such a good one:

I am triple neg too just at 3rd anniversary of dx.I was 62 so not really young!!Mine was 2cm grade2.I had wle,node sampling,4x FEC 4xTaxotere and 15 rads.No vascular invasion,nodes clear.I live in hopes-remember you triple neg ladies that 8 is your magic number :slight_smile:
Love Valxx

Hi Val, good news that you are doing so well, mine is grade 3, iv had 4 EC, starting 1st of 4 tax on wednesday, then surgery, my tumour is 8cm so trying to shrink it first. Can i ask why 8 is the magic number? sorry if dumb question,

take care

Because some American research has shown that if triple negatives get to 8 years with no recurrence at all then they are probably 'cured’unlike hormone positive bc which can always come back even after many years.Of course tn is usually more aggressive to srart with but still…its a goal.

Thanks Val, that is really good to know, you learn something new every day. It certainly is a goal. It must be a good feeling getting to 8 years and no reoccurance, hopefully we will all be getting there. And val you are nearly half way there too. Good luck, if you think of anymore facts like that i would very much appreciate it.

take care

I think that JaneRA posted a link to that research ages ago so it might be worth searching back in the tn forum if you want to read it.I’m afraid that’s my only positive fact about tn and its the one on which I hang my hopes.
Love Valxx

Hi Val, thanks, i will see if i can find it. It may only be 1 positive thing but its 1 more than i knew when i got up this morning.

hi all, i am 41 i have got triple neg secondary breast cancer of the liver.
i jan of this year i started chemo and after 6 FEC treatments and a ct scan i am clear of tumours. but because the cancer has gone into my blood stream the cancer will at some point return. i am being monitored every 2 months at the moment, but other than that i have no contact with anyone to get help or chat.
they say people with secondaries get pushed to one side because we can’t be cured well this is sooo true.
i do have a great husband and a little boy and great family and friends, just got to stay healthy and positive.

Hi all, I’m 42 and dx triple neg last year, had 3 ops chemo and rads, now thrown back into the real world to get on with it. Is that the case if you had vascular invasion that it will almost certainly rear its ugly head again? I didnt know that and thought I had read almost every column inch on the subject! I had a grade 3 2.4cm tumour but another one had set up camp just outside the breast too. 8 nodes out of 16 were affected, had vascular invasion and then they found I had 5 tumours under my collarbone too which chemo appears to have knocked on the head. I’m having ct scans every 6 months, scary in itself when you weigh up the amount of radiation exposure, vicious circle really, but have to keep positive, I’m okay at the moment so live for the moment, didnt think I could squeeze so much into my life, but I am!

hi devondebs,
i am like you, i have never been more busy, trying to fit everything in, don’t want to miss a thing.
i thought for a while i was the only one in this situation but this forum has proved me wrong.

Ladies, once you’re finishing your treatment for primary cancer, ask your onc about the REACT trial…aimed at triple negs, it is hoped this may help, I’ve been on it since April 08 while on rads, (I was dx July 07, 5cm lump, had 4xEC and 4xTax first, then mastectomy, 2 nodes involved)
They don’t know if it will, but it’s worth a shot, at least you feel you’re still doing something, its 2 tablets a day for 2 years, and doesn’t appear to have side effects like the hormone ladies have to go through.


Hi Shannon, i am only halfway through chemo and still to have surgery as like you i am needing the tumour shrinking. This REACT trial, is it being done everywhere? I will definately be asking about that. Worth trying i guess.

Thanks Shannon, I will be on the phone to the BCN this afternoon! I was offered Beatrice trial but then didnt fit the criteria as previous stomach ulcer, sound like I’m falling to bits dont I?

Ladies, I have to go and pick up my next batch of tablets in a few weeks, I’ll check with the trials nurse where you could find further info on this… I used to have everything at my fingertips, but it’s been a while!
Anna, I hope you have a good effect from chemo, my tumour shrank from 50mm to 1mm!!! And although they found traces in 2 of my nodes, all the cancer cells there were dead. So I’m hoping this is a good sign… Debs, I hope you can still do the trial, I think they are concerned with people who have had heart problems, but no-one asked me about stomach ones.
Fiona, sorry to hear of your situation- I hope you can continue to fill your life and keep busy for as long as you can - and hope that will be a long, long time!

Take care