can anyone advise - I have seen some people have 6 sessions of chemo as standard like 3 FEC & 3 TAX or whatever but some have said they have 8 sessions & seem to see a link with being triple negative. I know this is a more agressive cancer with more liklihood of recurrance/spread so can you advise - is it more normal to have 8 sessions if you are triple negative. I also had 3 nodes affected & cancer was grade 3 with 2 lumps 3 cm & 1 cm.
I know I will find out soon as I have my ONC meeting hopefully in the next 2 weeks but thought someone here may be able to advise??? At least then it is something I can be a bit more prepared for as a possibility
I’m 34 and was Grade 3, no nodes. I had 3 FEc and 3 Tax. Was originally told 6 FEC but changed ONC and new one showed me figures on adjuvant and suggested change to 3FEC and3 TAX, it improved my numbers so I agreed.
Hiya jo
I only had 6 (3 fec+ 3 tax) + that seems standard unless ur having chemo before surgery to shrink large tumours. Those having chemo 1st tend to have 8chemo.
All the best
tina x
Not triple neg, Grade 3 and 2 nodes, I had 4 EC, 4 TAxol, but had elected to go on a trial (Tango) - I am pretty sure this is why I had 8, otherwise it would have been 6. I don’t regret opting for 8, once I was in the thick of it an extra 2 didn’t make that much difference.
I’m triple neg, grade 3, 6cm lump, no nodes. I had 3FEC + 3TAX and 15 rads. Seemed to be standard treatment at my centre. I finished all the treatment one year ago and am NED.
Thanks - I think that has answered it as the people who I saw did 8 I now think had it before surgery so that would fit
Thanks for your replies - all helpful. so I should ask to see differences in stats with different combinations it seems rather than just accept everything at face value. I know they are the experts but still always worth asking questions if you know which ones to ask!!!
I’ve often wondered why some have 6 cycles and some have 8.
I was ER+PR+ & HER2-, grade 3 with 3 nodes affected and had surgery first followed by 8 chemos (4 Epi and then 4 Xeloda) and then 19 rads. Now have another 3 years on Femara
It’s 2 years since I finished chemo and I’m doing great.
thanks again - so seems TAX is for node involvement & sometimes 8 sessions - perhaps depends on her neg result or maybe how many nodes??? - will at least ask the question now if only offered 6??? I am sure they explain all or am I being naive???
Hi millykins, the oncologist will explain it all, including the different options, side effects, etc…I think I spent 45 minutes giving my poor oncologist 3rd degree questioning! He was very happy to answer everything and anything left over the nurse told me. I think the waiting is the hardest as you don’t know what you’ll be in for!
I had lobular, 2 lumps and 2 nodes with full mastectomy and just started 4 x EC and 4 x Tax (not sure why a lot of people seem to have FEC and I’m only having EC…will ask next time). Being 30, I was told they throw everything including the kitchen sink at you, which is why I’m on the 8 treatments.
Triple neg,grade 3,no nodes and ive had 3 fec and now on Tax,which don’t quote me on this but im sure ive read somewhere tax is used for early breast cancer and helps with chances of it not returning. My onc waited to see if i was Herceptin positive but turned out im neg so carn’t have that so then they decided to add Tax.
Hope this hepls a little.
And mine was 2.4cm TN with one node positive and a lot of vascular invasion. I had 4xFEC,4xTax and 25 rads.I’m doing really well and nearly 7yrs down the line.
Josie x
I have had the impression that Tax is for people with positive nodes, and possibly for younger people. I am aged 65, Triple negative 13mms primary but surrounded by DCIS, some vascular invasion, 16 nodes all negative, had mastectomy and levels I and II clearance but no radiotherapy as pre existing lung problems and now having FEC x 6. Omcologist said last week he wanted to review me before 6th chemo to see where we went afterwards, but I don’t think there is anywhere to go-except onwards in hope!