Triple Negative Recurrence

Hi All

I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a dear friend whose wife has Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After initial diagnosis she underwent a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy.

However, a year and a half later and she has been told she has a tumour on the lung.

Can anybody advise if they have had experience of recurrence with triple negative and if so what treatment options were discussed.

The more informed before appt next week the better.

Many thanks to you all.

Sorry I can’t help but bumping up for you
best wishes
looloo x

There is a thread entitled, “Triple Negative Secondaries / Recurrences” that might be a better place to post your question,it’s under the “living with secondary cancer” title.
Regards, Sandra x

joules007 Hi i was diagnosed with triple neg aug 2008. Had a masectomy but chose to have both off hoping for no reoccurance (sorry about spellings ha.Followed by chemo and radio.Cancer returned just 7 month after treatment and had spread to the lungs. i was put on xeloda and 3 month on had to have lungs drained twicw as chemo wasnt working. I was then put on docertaxol and carboplatin which i chose to have weekly so the side effects werent as bad as 3 weekly treatment. I have 3 children age 4, 7 and 10 and needed to keep things as normal as posssible. I had 6 months in total and had a scan after 3month and the tumours were shrinking. The side effects were ok no sickness but very tired. I came off chemo begining of sept this year and had a scan. My oncologist was amazed as there is no sign of any disesase i think they call it NED. I now go every 2 month for a check on bloods and an xray and upto now i am stable. What treatment have you been put on? Dont ever give up hope. This as made me stronger and more fight to stay here for my children. Let me know how you go on and stay in touch if you need someone to talk to. Takecare pink 1 x