Triple negative reoccurance survivor support

Hi all, I am in a bit of an emotional pickle and need to hear some positive comments. I was diagnosed with TNBC sept 2014.  Had lumpectomy with good to adequate margins and nodes clear. Followed by Fec and paxlitaxol and tgen radiotherapy. Had first mammogram oct 2015 with NED. Then found lump on scarctissue getting bigger. It was thought to be fatty necrosis but on ultrasound shadows found. Following two biopsies, of which not believed to be good ones they have found pre cancerous cells. I am due for full node clearance and mascetomy right in 3 weeks. It will then be decided if I need a second round of chemo depending on the findings. I had a CT and bone scan and they were ok, which is a relief. 


I am needing encouraging stories, is there anyone else who like mecwith a second round has now had NED for the 5 year margin. I fear that this is it now and within a year or so it will return. I know that is is a possibility but is there anyone out there where it hasn 't. 


I need encouragement. I know I will have it hear but finding others in a similar situation  is comforting, is there anyone like me out there who are now more forward. 

Arnie x



Oh Arnie I’m so sorry to hear you are unwell again.  Like you I was diagnosed Sep 14 and panic each examination of lumptectomy scar area.  Mine was in nodes so I had full clearance at time of lump removal.  Had 8 chemos first, surgery then 20 rads.


all I can say is I’m sure there are some good stories out there with reoccurrence being beaten.  You’ve had good news with CT scan so let’s hope this next round of treatment get rid of it altogether.


im sending you love and a hug.


My next mammogram is in August and I’m scared so much.


pam x

Hu ladies,
Sorry to hear your news Arnie. I am still going through chemo (on 7 of 8) and 3 lumps have appeared in same place. They assure me they are not cancerous but say they are not right and need to test further after removing. Am waiting for op date.
Bernadetteh I often think about you as your story inspired me. Are you still juicing and taking all the supplements??? Hope you haven’t lost more weight.

Bernadetteh - when I asked how you were a few months ago I was actually confusing you with Tiffany (tiff71) who so inspired me with her juicing etc. Now I remember that it was you who I tried to send a link to as you said you could not do chemo. Although it sounds as though you are doing well, I have found CHRIS BEAT CANCER & KRIS CARR & THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER all to be very helpful.

Wonderful that you are doing so well Bernadetteh… I have a friend who has recently found her first reoccurrence of tnbc and I am looking for someone who would tell them story of survival… Would you consider making contact with her please? When I went thru treatment for her2+ I found survivor stories so helpful… Thank you


I was diagnosed with triple negative in left breast in 2010. The cancer has come back but as a breast cancer HER2 positive…a new cancer. I am wondering if anyone has had similar experience and what treatment surgery etc. they did?

