Tara good news things are stable hope they get the pain under control for you. We have a good Scottish word
‘keech’ it doesn’t sound like leech the ch are like in loch so for English peeps it’s nearer to keeck and means poo. I remember feeling keech on Chemo quite a lot.
FQ hoping that things aren’t progressing. Thinking of you and glad your enjoying you new granddaughter
Sadie glad you feel more reassured since talking to your onc and it’s hooks to hear you had such an improvement on the last treatment hope the next log is just as effective.
Jo hole you dong have any further problems with hour line and they can get it fixed for you. Not really eBay you need on top of everything else. Hope Chemo isn’t delayed too long.
Laura my GP signed me for two months Shen I was first diagnosed with the recurrence but when I go back she will prib just do six months to cover my Chemo time but when I first saw her we weren’t sure about Chemo. Linda maybe your GP only gives you a month at a tine so she can see you regularly. But I’m sure you could ask her to give you a longer one if you wanted. I did ask about working during treatment cos Iv read about people who maybe work two weeks out of three but not sure how that works. GP didn’t seem to know either. She just said she could sign me off but work may agree. To becoming in but origami something to say I’m not covered or they’re not cover if I’m signed off but still go to work. Getting a week long sick line every three weeks probably dint a particularly good way to go either. Or maybe should be resigned to having six months off.
Jill best wishes for the morning it must be such a nerve wracking time hope the biopsy goes well and isn’t too uncomfortable.
Well it’s almost 5.30 and Iv been awake a couple of hours. Sleeping just isn’t my forte right now. Debating whether to get up and paint but might give it another half hour to see if I can get back over. Not crying my eyes out tonight though feel quite happy so things are def improving.
Love to all you ladies
Lulubelle xxxx